[xmonad] switching to the workspace where a window just went?

Lara Michaels laramichaels1978 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 29 02:25:33 CET 2011

Every year or so i get too ambitious and try to extract yet more 
functionality from this awesome piece of software. With the past help of this mailing list in my xmonad.hs i have set up a hotkey to send a 
window to the next empty workspace: 

myKeys = 

-- ....
, ("M-<F1>", shiftTo Next EmptyWS)

Now, I would like to have a different key combination (eg, M-<F2>) to 

- send the current window to the next empty workspace AND THEN 

- automatically take me to it (meaning, display the workspace to which 
that window was just sent on the physical display that currently has 

Is there a way to combine this sequence of actions? Or am I stuck with 
sending the window to the next empty workspace and then fishing around 
for it? :)

happy 2012

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