[xmonad] New module: XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen
Audun Skaugen
audunskaugen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 17:26:44 EST 2010
The attached darcs patch to XMonadContrib adds a new module implementing
a (IMHO) much better way of handling fullscreen windows than the
existing fullscreenEventHook from EwmhDesktops.
Instead of simply fullFloating the window, this module sends a layout
message so that the layout can itself determine how to handle the
Three proof-of-concept layout modifiers are provided, that illustrate
the flexibility of this approach: Two varietes to add fullscreen handlig
to the layout, and one hackish modifier that adds fullscreen handling to
the floating layer. All of these modifiers also have variants that allow
you to specify which part of the screen the fullscreened window should
I hope you will find this useful.
-------------- next part --------------
Tue Nov 16 23:16:11 CET 2010 Audun Skaugen <audunskaugen at gmail.com
* Add X.L.Fullscreen
New patches:
[Add X.L.Fullscreen
Audun Skaugen <audunskaugen at gmail.com**20101116221611
Ignore-this: 4b460e9a25abbb4f988801052232147a
] {
addfile ./XMonad/Layout/Fullscreen.hs
hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Fullscreen.hs 1
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonad.Layout.Decoration
+-- Copyright : (c) 2010 Audun Skaugen
+-- License : BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : audunskaugen at gmail.com
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- Hooks for sending messages about fullscreen windows to layouts, and
+-- a few example layout modifier that implement fullscreen windows.
+module XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen
+ ( -- * Usage:
+ -- $usage
+ fullscreenFull
+ ,fullscreenFocus
+ ,fullscreenFullRect
+ ,fullscreenFocusRect
+ ,fullscreenFloat
+ ,fullscreenFloatRect
+ ,fullscreenEventHook
+ ,fullscreenManageHook
+ ,fullscreenManageHookWith
+ ,FullscreenMessage(..)
+ ) where
+import XMonad
+import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
+import XMonad.Util.WindowProperties
+import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (isFullscreen)
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Monoid
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Arrow (second)
+-- $usage
+-- Provides a ManageHook and an EventHook that sends layout messages
+-- with information about fullscreening windows. This allows layouts
+-- to make their own decisions about what they should to with a
+-- window that requests fullscreen.
+-- The module also includes a few layout modifiers as an illustration
+-- of how such layouts should behave.
+-- To use this module, add 'fullscreenEventHook' and 'fullscreenManageHook'
+-- to your config, i.e.
+-- > xmonad defaultconfig { eventHook = fullscreenEventHook,
+-- > manageHook = fullscreenManageHook,
+-- > layoutHook = myLayouts }
+-- Now you can use layouts that respect fullscreen, for example the
+-- provided 'fullscreenFull':
+-- > myLayouts = fullscreenFull someLayout
+-- | Messages that control the fullscreen state of the window.
+-- AddFullscreen and RemoveFullscreen are sent to all layouts
+-- when a window wants or no longer wants to be fullscreen.
+-- FullscreenChanged is sent to the current layout after one
+-- of the above have been sent.
+data FullscreenMessage = AddFullscreen Window
+ | RemoveFullscreen Window
+ | FullscreenChanged
+ deriving (Typeable)
+instance Message FullscreenMessage
+data FullscreenFull a = FullscreenFull W.RationalRect [a]
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+data FullscreenFocus a = FullscreenFocus W.RationalRect [a]
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+data FullscreenFloat a = FullscreenFloat W.RationalRect (M.Map a (W.RationalRect, Bool))
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+instance LayoutModifier FullscreenFull Window where
+ pureMess (FullscreenFull frect fulls) m = case fromMessage m of
+ Just (AddFullscreen win) -> Just $ FullscreenFull frect $ nub $ win:fulls
+ Just (RemoveFullscreen win) -> Just $ FullscreenFull frect $ delete win $ fulls
+ _ -> Nothing
+ pureModifier (FullscreenFull frect fulls) rect _ list =
+ (map (flip (,) rect') visfulls ++ rest, Nothing)
+ where visfulls = intersect fulls $ map fst list
+ rest = filter (flip notElem visfulls . fst) list
+ rect' = scaleRationalRect rect frect
+instance LayoutModifier FullscreenFocus Window where
+ pureMess (FullscreenFocus frect fulls) m = case fromMessage m of
+ Just (AddFullscreen win) -> Just $ FullscreenFocus frect $ nub $ win:fulls
+ Just (RemoveFullscreen win) -> Just $ FullscreenFocus frect $ delete win $ fulls
+ _ -> Nothing
+ pureModifier (FullscreenFocus frect fulls) rect (Just (W.Stack {W.focus = f})) list
+ | f `elem` fulls = ((f, rect') : rest, Nothing)
+ | otherwise = (list, Nothing)
+ where rest = filter ((/= f) . fst) list
+ rect' = scaleRationalRect rect frect
+ pureModifier _ _ Nothing list = (list, Nothing)
+instance LayoutModifier FullscreenFloat Window where
+ handleMess (FullscreenFloat frect fulls) m = case fromMessage m of
+ Just (AddFullscreen win) -> do
+ mrect <- (M.lookup win . W.floating) `fmap` gets windowset
+ return $ case mrect of
+ Just rect -> Just $ FullscreenFloat frect $ M.insert win (rect,True) fulls
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (RemoveFullscreen win) ->
+ return $ Just $ FullscreenFloat frect $ M.adjust (second $ const False) win fulls
+ -- Modify the floating member of the stack set directly; this is the hackish part.
+ Just FullscreenChanged -> do
+ state <- get
+ let ws = windowset state
+ flt = W.floating ws
+ flt' = M.intersectionWith doFull fulls flt
+ put state {windowset = ws {W.floating = M.union flt' flt}}
+ return $ Just $ FullscreenFloat frect $ M.filter snd fulls
+ where doFull (_, True) _ = frect
+ doFull (rect, False) _ = rect
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+-- | Layout modifier that makes fullscreened window fill the
+-- entire screen.
+fullscreenFull :: LayoutClass l a =>
+ l a -> ModifiedLayout FullscreenFull l a
+fullscreenFull = fullscreenFullRect $ W.RationalRect 0 0 1 1
+-- | As above, but the fullscreened window will fill the
+-- specified rectangle instead of the entire screen.
+fullscreenFullRect :: LayoutClass l a =>
+ W.RationalRect -> l a -> ModifiedLayout FullscreenFull l a
+fullscreenFullRect r = ModifiedLayout $ FullscreenFull r []
+-- | Layout modifier that makes the fullscreened window fill
+-- the entire screen only if it is currently focused.
+fullscreenFocus :: LayoutClass l a =>
+ l a -> ModifiedLayout FullscreenFocus l a
+fullscreenFocus = fullscreenFocusRect $ W.RationalRect 0 0 1 1
+-- | As above, but the fullscreened window will fill the
+-- specified rectangle instead of the entire screen.
+fullscreenFocusRect :: LayoutClass l a =>
+ W.RationalRect -> l a -> ModifiedLayout FullscreenFocus l a
+fullscreenFocusRect r = ModifiedLayout $ FullscreenFocus r []
+-- | Hackish layout modifier that makes floating fullscreened
+-- windows fill the entire screen.
+fullscreenFloat :: LayoutClass l a =>
+ l a -> ModifiedLayout FullscreenFloat l a
+fullscreenFloat = fullscreenFloatRect $ W.RationalRect 0 0 1 1
+-- | As above, but the fullscreened window will fill the
+-- specified rectangle instead of the entire screen.
+fullscreenFloatRect :: LayoutClass l a =>
+ W.RationalRect -> l a -> ModifiedLayout FullscreenFloat l a
+fullscreenFloatRect r = ModifiedLayout $ FullscreenFloat r M.empty
+-- | The event hook required for the layout modifiers to work
+fullscreenEventHook :: Event -> X All
+fullscreenEventHook (ClientMessageEvent _ _ _ dpy win typ (action:dats)) = do
+ state <- getAtom "_NET_WM_STATE"
+ fullsc <- getAtom "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN"
+ wstate <- fromMaybe [] `fmap` getProp32 state win
+ let fi :: (Integral i, Num n) => i -> n
+ fi = fromIntegral
+ isFull = fi fullsc `elem` wstate
+ remove = 0
+ add = 1
+ toggle = 2
+ ptype = 4
+ chWState f = io $ changeProperty32 dpy win state ptype propModeReplace (f wstate)
+ when (typ == state && fi fullsc `elem` dats) $ do
+ when (action == add || (action == toggle && not isFull)) $ do
+ chWState (fi fullsc:)
+ broadcastMessage $ AddFullscreen win
+ sendMessage FullscreenChanged
+ when (action == remove || (action == toggle && isFull)) $ do
+ chWState $ delete (fi fullsc)
+ broadcastMessage $ RemoveFullscreen win
+ sendMessage FullscreenChanged
+ return $ All True
+fullscreenEventHook (DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w}) = do
+ -- When a window is destroyed, the layouts should remove that window
+ -- from their states.
+ broadcastMessage $ RemoveFullscreen w
+ cw <- (W.workspace . W.current) `fmap` gets windowset
+ sendMessageWithNoRefresh FullscreenChanged cw
+ return $ All True
+fullscreenEventHook _ = return $ All True
+-- | Manage hook that sets the fullscreen property for
+-- windows that are initially fullscreen
+fullscreenManageHook :: ManageHook
+fullscreenManageHook = fullscreenManageHook' isFullscreen
+-- | A version of fullscreenManageHook that lets you specify
+-- your own query to decide whether a window should be fullscreen.
+fullscreenManageHookWith :: Query Bool -> ManageHook
+fullscreenManageHookWith h = fullscreenManageHook' $ isFullscreen <||> h
+fullscreenManageHook' :: Query Bool -> ManageHook
+fullscreenManageHook' isFull = isFull --> do
+ w <- ask
+ liftX $ do
+ broadcastMessage $ AddFullscreen w
+ cw <- (W.workspace . W.current) `fmap` gets windowset
+ sendMessageWithNoRefresh FullscreenChanged cw
+ idHook
hunk ./xmonad-contrib.cabal 179
+ XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen
[Close the display correctly after counting the number of screens
quesel at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de**20101116081449
Ignore-this: 6fbc269e34770935fed7d4fd9494154b
This patch adds support for calling countScreens in arbitrary places. Prior to
this patch one would end up with an open display for each call of the
countScreens function with would eventually mess up X. This patch ensures that
the display that is no longer needed is closed after the operation and thus
using the function without side effects.
[Compatibility with mtl-1 and mtl-2
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101115232654
Ignore-this: 4fb7f279365992fe9e73388b0f4001ac
[Rename state in A.Gridselect to avoid name shadowing (mtl-2)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101115232222
Ignore-this: cd81e11ae9f5372ddd71f0c2b60675d5
[Substring search support for X.A.GridSelect. As keymaps get more complicated to support different styles, the gs_navigate element is fundamentially changed.
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101102211213
Ignore-this: 95610ac8eb781cd74f6c3ce9e36ec039
[Make substring search case insensitive
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101016212904
Ignore-this: dce1ae9e4164c24447ae9c79c4557f11
[Introduce grayoutAllElements in X.A.GridSelect
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101016212559
Ignore-this: 78ca0416b12a49965db876c77e02387f
[Add substring filter to td_elementmap
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101016183644
Ignore-this: d28b7173095c504ae0e9209303e4468a
[Refactor for ad-hoc element and position matching turning td_elementmap into a function using the new td_availSlot and td_elements fields
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101016183554
Ignore-this: 85e644a27395e97315efd1ed7a926da8
[Remove nub from diamondLayer in X.A.GridSelect
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101016183132
Ignore-this: fe290f3712fa1e122e0123d3f87f418b
[Convert access of td_elementmap from field styled to function call styled in X.A.GridSelect
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101016164757
Ignore-this: b46942bf7ca0bd451b0b402ea8b01bf7
[Make use of field names when constructing TwoDState in X.A.GridSelect
Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org>**20101016164151
Ignore-this: 17d947c11e6cb4c64e04fd4754568337
[Pointfree and -XRank2Types don't mix in X.L.Groups.Helpers
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101113022839
Ignore-this: 21aa9b687179c5622dc6fae749c7872
It used to work with ghc-6.12 (and earlier?), but ghc-7RC2 type inference
doesn't work with . instead of it's definition.
[Restrict dependencies, since mtl-2 is incompatible
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101113022204
Ignore-this: d6565f9033cc40fd177a20d1688f3ed7
A couple removed constructors need to be replaced by the lowercase versions
(ex. State = StateT Identity now). But it isn't clear that mtl-1 should be
[X.L.TrackFloating docs and help nested layouts
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101030175615
Ignore-this: a4362384ff8baab896715226772edf62
Now TrackFloating remembers focus for the given layout when the other window is
also tiled, but not fed to the given layout: this helps with X.L.IM, among
[X.L.Maximize: Make layout forget maximized window when it is closed
Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca>**20101029221551
Ignore-this: 9e8bfacce7f90634532078584c82940a
The X.L.Maximize layout modifier does not track whether the window it stores as
maximized does still exist. The X server reuses window IDs. As a result, I
was able to reproduce the following behaviour (e.g., by opening and closing
xpdf windows): Create a window, maximize it, close it without restoring it to
its normal state. Open a new window with the same window ID (e.g., an xpdf
window after just closing an xpdf window). The new window will open maximized,
which is not what one would expect. This patch addresses this problem,
removing the ID of the maximized window from the layout when the maximized
window is closed.
[Fix bug in L.TrackFloating
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101030000620
Ignore-this: 2c3902ea9f1d70a7043965c8aa99891d
Addresses the comment that:
If the focus goes from the floating layer to tiling by deleting a floating
window, it's again the master window that gets focus, not the remembered
[Add X.L.Groups.Helpers to other-modules
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at googlemail.com>**20101024191850
Ignore-this: eb000855e28c39140762f09ce02dd35
Not listing aforementioned module can cause build failures in libaries
that depend on xmonad-contrib.
mathstuf at gmail.com**20100905013522
Ignore-this: 3f57b88d725b04f07ce6a43b8d0f56ff
Add functions to allow users to use a menu other than dmenu and pass arguments
to the menu.
[Add X.L.TrackFloating for tiled-floating focus issues (#4)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101016165536
Ignore-this: 19a4a81601c23900d78d85bd0627d5bb
[minor documentation fixes
Daniel Wagner <daniel at wagner-home.com>**20101007011957
Ignore-this: c5c046933f318f5a14f063ca387601b9
[Minor documentation fixes in X.U.ExtensibleState
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at googlemail.com>**20101004120509
Ignore-this: 36a36d6e38f812744f8ec3df9bb56ffe
[Clarify the note on -XRank2Types in L.Groups
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20101002020841
Ignore-this: 4ffe5d2d0be1e8b8a8c151b134e963f2
[Mention X.L.Groups.ModifySpec's rank-2 type in the doc
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117115601
Ignore-this: 2061238abf835cb20579a4899655cec2
[Orphan my modules
moserq at gmail.com**20101001104300
Ignore-this: 781ebf36f25a94df96fde5f7bb7bc53e
[Split X.L.Groups.Examples
moserq at gmail.com**20101001104142
Ignore-this: 4d3bc3c44b1c0233d59c6ce5eefcc587
X.L.G.Examples : rowOfColumns and tiled tabs layouts
X.L.G.Helpers : helper actions
X.L.G.Wmii : wmii layout
[X.L.G.Examples: improve the tabs of tiledTabs
moserq at gmail.com**20100120103240
Ignore-this: 58a449c35e1d4a30ecfdf80f015d2dee
[X.L.G.Examples: improve the tabs of wmiiLike
moserq at gmail.com**20100120101746
Ignore-this: 1519338158025fb580cac523e4a41b88
[X.L.Groups: Always keep one group, even if empty.
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100118021526
Ignore-this: 22d7f9b92484c3411ecba66b06f69821
[Do not duplicate layouts in X.L.Groups
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117114708
Ignore-this: 100f8ccfbbcda9e8f5cc2b1470772928
I liked the idea, but it completey messes up Decoration layouts.
[Add missing module re-export (issue 366)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100930002046
Ignore-this: ecd6e4ff54d41f37a75be72f3d0e4a59
[X.H.ManageDocks: event hook to refresh on new docks
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20100706185834
Ignore-this: 96f931aa19c45acd28bdc2319c6a0cb6
[This patch adds support for multiple master windows to X.L.Master
quesel at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de**20100518060557
Ignore-this: 5c62202575966ee65e9b41ef41c30f94
[X.L.LayoutHints: event hook to refresh on hints change
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20100706185925
Ignore-this: 54eba739c76db176cbb4ef66e30c201f
[Remove last excess definition of `fi' (fromIntegral)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100913233850
Ignore-this: 42d9282697573b361d763d980b816465
[Explain fields added for "XMonad.Layout.ImageButtonDecoration"
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100913232720
Ignore-this: 8eae99afb2857a91aabbf3b7f27c784e
[Adjust X.C.Desktop documentation content.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100803141117
Ignore-this: 9c2616514be4dbb722958bc5a11357b1
Correct errors regarding a description of `mappend' for X
Use <+> more often since that's `consistent', and there is no difference since
it's the same as >> when all arguments have the same type (which they do...
otherwise people aren't just combining valid values for that field of the
[Minimize: Replaced calls to 'sendMessage' (BW.focusDown) and 'windows' with alternative methods
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20100727224841
Ignore-this: 67257480b7b93181967a806fedf6fbc5
Calling these functions during message handling results in the loss of layout state.
This fixes a number of bugs related to the combination of X.L.Minimize with a decoration.
[CurrentWorkspaceOnTop: proper reimplementation of XMonad.Operation
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20100727194154
Ignore-this: 101f55913bf836d1d87863b4c05d0665
Fixes bugs in combination with stateful layouts and floating windows
[A hook to handle minimize/restore window manager hints.
Justin Bogner <mail at justinbogner.com>**20100616051124
Ignore-this: c562ce1df81bce9a7dc5e7fe2dc67a43
XMonad.Hooks.Minimize handles both minimize and restore
messages. Handling restore messages was already done in
RestoreMinimized, which this module intends to replace.
[WindowGo: bulk up 'runOrRaise' doc to point to 'raiseMaybe' for shell scripting
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100712045632
Ignore-this: f8f2b04fe7c49827b935ada1345d2ce8
[WindowGo: fmt & sp
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100712042915
Ignore-this: dc733961f0308815fa2ec0afe118f9cb
[Note that Simplest works well with BoringWindows
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100622030850
Ignore-this: b9b6060842651c0df47b23dddb3bf54a
[XMonad.Util.Run: improve linking and rearrange docs
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100620175215
Ignore-this: d7b76532309237ddfa22c31a1f1ef5a4
[XMonad.Util.Run: correct broken example
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100620175158
Ignore-this: b390fa0e36b0bd629e7016797e316760
[XMonad.Util.Run: fix unicode char
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100620175140
Ignore-this: 3e524f9d8a96cb47c2c8c7c265d8e649
[XSelection.hs: update docs w/r/t unicode
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100615000902
Ignore-this: 26042b8d27bed602c1844181036a9bb
see http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=348
[encode string of bytes not list of chars
Khudyakov Alexey <alexey.skladnoy at gmail.com>**20100613113341
Ignore-this: bd03772f1e1ab303646f36c28944b43
[GroupNavigation.hs: clean up imports
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100608203832
Ignore-this: 166ad0b78d8be8453339c7dd5e5cc266
[remove decodeInput/encodeOutput
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100614232300
Ignore-this: 2ed6a014130dba95c6b0a6fcac055110
see http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=348
they are just synonyms for 2 utf8-string functions, and don't really help
[Developing: be good to mention hlint in a hacking guide
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100506160535
Ignore-this: d86ab58539dd6c09a43789b9a549aa9d
[Fix bug in history maintenance of X.A.GroupNavigation
Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca>**20100604081431
Ignore-this: 84a22797ec1b76a9b9805af3272911b0
When the focused window was closed without a new window receiving focus, the
closed window was not removed from the history database, making for example
"nextMatch History (return True)" misbehave. This patch fixes this.
[PositionStoreHook: take decoration into account
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20100602223015
Ignore-this: 72192c7cabeaeb744711b651ac3ffc65
[PositionStoreHook: take docks into account
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20100602215048
Ignore-this: 6ffa63f22e9b511a9d28bc1c04195a08
[TopicSpace: +reverseLastFocusedTopics
Nicolas Pouillard <nicolas.pouillard at gmail.com>**20100520072844
Ignore-this: 97c860fb139269cd592beab275f78d57
[TopicSpace: improve the lastFocusedTopic handling
Nicolas Pouillard <nicolas.pouillard at gmail.com>**20091220212813
Ignore-this: 9ad30b815e8a9cf002c8b17c07f05dc2
Now the list of last topics is internally kept but
only visually truncated.
[X.A.GroupNavigation with containers < compatibility
Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca>**20100514222153
Ignore-this: e0cf2a784ff02829ad10962863fd50ed
This patch replaces the use of Seq.filter and Seq.breakl with two
functions flt and brkl that do the same. This is necessary to
keep compatibility with containers < because Seq.filter and
Seq.breakl were introduced only in containers
[New module XMonad.Actions.GroupNavigation
Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca>**20100510081412
Ignore-this: c286dbd1b365326fa25a9c5c0e564af7
This module adds two related facilities. The first one allows cycling through
the windows in a window group. A group is defined as the set of windows for
which a given Boolean Query returns True. The second one keeps track of the
history of focused windows and allows returning to the most recently focused
window in a given window group before the currently focused window.
[Add a way to update the modifier in X.L.LayoutModifier
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20090822213958
Ignore-this: f257a376bef57689287b68ed21ec903d
This patch adds the possibility to update the state of a layout modifier when
modifying the underlying layout before it is run(i.e. using modifyLayout).
The modified state is also passed to the subsequent call of redoLayout, whose
return takes precedence if both functions return modified states of the layout
[Remove trailing whitespace in A.KeyRemap
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100503153258
Ignore-this: 59d38be8462d50c298f590d55ebda910
[Adding XMonad.Actions.KeyRemap for mapping single keys
stettberger at dokucode.de**20100502152322
Ignore-this: 113f6ef92fd31134fb6752a8b8253c3a
With KeyRemap it is possible to emit different keys to client windows, when
pressing some key. For example having dvorak layout for typing, but us for
[Move Util.Font to .hs, and enable -XCPP
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100429140744
Ignore-this: 1e60993426bf8e146c9440e2dbb0f764
As the CPP pass was the only feature being used in Font.hsc (no other FFI)
it's better to avoid hsc2hs, if only to make the purpose of the module
clearer from the filename.
[A.Search: Remove unnecessary `do'
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100429134749
Ignore-this: 2fc31d045a57ccd01f3af03cb46440c2
[Fix escaping of URI
Khudyakov Alexey <alexey.skladnoy at gmail.com>**20100423204707
Ignore-this: 7dad15752eb106d8bc6cd50ffd2e8d3a
[Prompt: handle case of historySize=0 better.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100421183006
Ignore-this: e4a74e905677649ddde36385a9ed47a2
[Rearrange tests. See test/genMain.hs for instructions.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100419014946
Ignore-this: 1745e6f1052e84e40153b5b1c0a6e15a
[Use CPP to add to exports for Selective tests (L.LimitWindows)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100419014344
Ignore-this: 74c228892f07bb827e4b419f4efdb04
[Use imported `fi' alias for fromIntegral more often.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100416212939
Ignore-this: 51040e693066fd7803cc1b108c1a13d5
Also moves `fi' into U.Image to avoid cyclic imports,
though XUtils sill exports that definition.
[Note that mouseResizableTileMirrored may be removed.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100416161118
Ignore-this: 2b005aa36abe224f97062f80e8558af7
[Structure L.MouseResizableTile documentation.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100416160641
Ignore-this: c285ac8a4663bdd2ae957b3c198094da
[X.L.MouseResizableTile: make everything configurable
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20100415214609
Ignore-this: f8164dc63242c7e32210c9577a254bf7
[X.L.MouseResizableTile: configurable gaps (dragger size and position)
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20100415213813
Ignore-this: 5803861bbfecbc8c946b817b98909647
(with the option of putting the draggers over window borders with no gaps at
[Remove unnecessary imports.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100416160239
Ignore-this: 11beb14b87e294dafb54cc3764393c5b
[update module imports
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100414211947
Ignore-this: 804bee14960064b4e4efd33d07a60a2b
[tests/test_XPrompt can build now.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100414204612
Ignore-this: ded6711134658fe371f19a909037c9cb
[prettier haddock markup for L.NoBorders
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100405184020
Ignore-this: 1a9862e6e7ec0e965201a65a68314680
[ImageButtonDecoration: new image for menu button
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20100402174910
Ignore-this: 3977c4bfcb4052e07321ec9e83f917c6
trupill at gmail.com**20100331093808
Ignore-this: 418dbf488435c7c803695407557eecfb
* Added a XMonad.Util.Image module to manipulate simple images
and show them into an X drawable
* Added the possibility of using image buttons instead of plain
text buttons into the title bar
* Added a XMonad.Layout.ImageButtonDecoration as an example of
how to use the image buttons
[WindowMenu: own colorizer that works better with Bluetile's new theme
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20100402184119
Ignore-this: 708e1ad1654165fc5da5efc943a2a6b9
[X.L.Named deprecate and implement using X.L.Renamed
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20100401212403
Ignore-this: a74963ef4990c9e845b9142b8648cf26
nameTail behaves slightly different if there are whitespace before the first word or the name contains tabs or other such whitespace. But I expect few users are affected since the only usecase where nameTail is actually needed is to remove automatically added prefixes. These prefixes will be removed as they should by the new implementation.
[X.L.Minimize remove redundant imports
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20100401204400
Ignore-this: f7bbfe96c8d08955fc845318f918ec86
[Correct module header.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100330181029
Ignore-this: 53edd88f94f0b7d54fc350c47c38898c
trupill at gmail.com**20100330183616
Ignore-this: 4d14b74192af503c4b2e28ea877c85f5
[Use more monoid instances to clean up U.WorkspaceCompare
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100222151710
Ignore-this: ab7089175a7486144e01b706de04036e
[Note that Groups has redundancies and the interface may change.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100330175945
Ignore-this: 2f4dc5a2355ace4005dd07fc5d459f1a
Refer to:
[X.H.UrgencyHook: performance fix
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20100330141341
Ignore-this: b626166259858f16bc5051c67b498c68
cleanupUrgents would update the Map in extensible state 2-times the number of
visible windows, resulting in excessive memory usage and garbage collection.
This seems to make it behave correctly.
[Update my e-mail address
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117011109
Ignore-this: f5efc4d494cb001d3cfbe2b2e169cbe5
[New module: X.L.Groups.Examples
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117010236
Ignore-this: 8fc40821759d7ed439ecc6726417f52d
Utility functions and examples using X.L.Groups.
[New module: X.L.Groups
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117005301
Ignore-this: 167e191d520a36b94cf24121ead67dae
The mother of all layout combinators.
[New module: X.L.ZoomRow
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117003939
Ignore-this: c464ae1005679484e364eb6ece31d9fc
Row layout with individually resizable elements.
[New module: X.L.Renamed
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117002612
Ignore-this: 38a5c638e36090c746356390c09d3479
[New module: X.U.Stack
quentin.moser at unifr.ch**20100117002104
Ignore-this: e0c3969042ca5e1e8b9e50436519e52a
Utility functions for working with Maybe Stacks, including:
- useful conversions to and from lists
- insertUp/Down, swapUp/Down, focusUp/Down, etc
- maps, filters and folds
[bugfix: removeKeys should remove all keys in the provided list
Daniel Wagner <daniel at wagner-home.com>**20100327192541
Ignore-this: 711c776a19d428a2ab4614ee82641de4
[fixed argument order to isPrefixOf in a couple of places in X.A.Search
Jurgen Doser <jurgen.doser at gmail.com>**20100316122010
Ignore-this: 1a613748778d07de1b459a4268ff8d55
In some places, ((!>), prefixAware, and one place in the documentation),
isPrefixOf was used with wrong argument order. In particular, this made
combining search engines not work as advertised, for example, the predefined
search engine "multi".
[X.P.Ssh: add entries from .ssh/config to ssh prompt completion
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091229171346
Ignore-this: fa638a0af4cb71be91f6c90bdf6d5513
[X.H.DynamicLog: let the user of xmonadPropLog choose property name
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20100319214631
Ignore-this: 17c0cac2a469e0b70b0cea86f3aeed51
[Replace.hs: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210109
Ignore-this: ee951e62c1de753907f77a8a6bac7cae
[Workspace.hs: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210101
Ignore-this: c2888dc8aa919ce6da706ba8ea1c523a
[Layout.hs: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210054
Ignore-this: 5ad02e9c968bb49773e2bf05310a3754
[Directory.hs: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210047
Ignore-this: 1e83cd71f6439603b577874317cac8bb
[MessageControl: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210038
Ignore-this: d4dc93a8a68847123918db416080e018
[LimitWindows.hs: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210030
Ignore-this: 7d138a5903d45ffeeb4e89f1b8923382
[LayoutCombinators.hs: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210021
Ignore-this: e387bdea6c346fc8a892b06294995442
[DecorationAddons.hs: rm trailing whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210012
Ignore-this: 2f54649e43ebf11e35bd8764d1a44675
[Column.hs: rm whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314210001
Ignore-this: 6cfd701babde42d5dc61bfbe95305b20
[DynamicWorkspaces.hs: rm whitespace
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100314205951
Ignore-this: 9d64301708cb1702b9b46f1068efa891
[Fix bugs with nested drawers in X.L.Drawer
Max Rabkin <max.rabkin at gmail.com>**20100310170159
Ignore-this: 5c7665f3f3ea2c629deb0cca3715bb8d
There were two bugs:
1. The layout modifier assumed the rect's x was zero.
2. The layout modifier assumed that the stackset's focus actually had focus.
[Correct L.Drawer haddock markup and re-export required module.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100308225258
Ignore-this: 1cc5675a68a66cf436817137a478b747
[Added X.L.Drawer
Max Rabkin <max.rabkin at gmail.com>**20100308212752
Ignore-this: c7973679b7b2702178ae06fc45396dda
X.L.Drawer provides a layout modifier for retracting windows which roll down
(like the Quake console) when they gain focus.
[X.U.WorkspaceCompare xinerama compare with physical order
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20100308115402
Ignore-this: 49296fb6e09717f38db28beb66bc2c80
Like the old xinerama workspace comparison, but order by physical location just like X.A.PhysicalScreens. Useful if using xinerama sort for statusbar together with physicalscreens.
[X.U.Dmenu helpers to run dmenu with arguments
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20100308115022
Ignore-this: 7d582e06d0e393c717f43e0729306fbf
[X.L.LayoutScreens split current screen
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20100308114318
Ignore-this: e7bd1ef63aee3f736e12e109cabb839
This patch will allow the user to split the currently focused screen instead of all screens together. This is usefull for multiscreen users who have functioning xinerama, but wish to split one of the screens.
[X.A.PhysicalScreens cleaning and allow cycling
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20100308113704
Ignore-this: 3a9a3554cda29f976df646b38b56e8e7
Remove redundant import to supress warning, did some refactoring to use xmonad internal things to find screens instead of using X11-stuff. Also added ability to cycle between screens in physical order.
[Use imported 'fi' in H.ScreenCorners
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100222150633
Ignore-this: 45ceb91d6c39f29bb937aa29c0bc2e66
[X.H.ScreenCorners typos
Nils Schweinsberg <mail at n-sch.de>**20100222115142
Ignore-this: 805ba06f6215bb83a68631f750743830
[X.H.ScreenCorners rewritten to use InputOnly windows instead of waiting for MotionEvents on the root window
Nils Schweinsberg <mail at n-sch.de>**20100222112459
Ignore-this: f9866d3e3f1ea09ff9e9bb593146f0b3
[[patch] X.H.ScreenCorners: move the mouse cursor to avoid loops
Nils Schweinsberg <mail at n-sch.de>**20100221231550
Ignore-this: c8d2ece0f6e75aba1b091d5f9de371dc
[Prevent possible pattern match failure in X.A.UpdateFocus
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20100221234735
Ignore-this: fe132d248db01076a1038e9e8acbdf42
[New extension: XMonad.Hooks.ScreenCorners
Nils Schweinsberg <mail at n-sch.de>**20100221230259
Ignore-this: c3a715e2590ed094ed5908bd225b185e
[documentation for marshallPP
daniel at wagner-home.com**20100215000731
Ignore-this: efa38829b40dc1586f5f18c4bab21f7d
[DynamicLog support for IndependentScreens
Daniel Wagner <daniel at wagner-home.com>**20100104054251
Ignore-this: 16fe32f1d66abf4a79f8670131663a60
[minor style changes
Daniel Wagner <daniel at wagner-home.com>**20091228173016
Ignore-this: 605de753d6a5007751de9d7b9f8ab9ca
[XMonad.Prompt: remove white border from greenXPConfig
gwern0 at gmail.com**20100211163641
Ignore-this: 1cd9a6de02419b7747eab98eb4e84c35
[Fixed reversed history searching direction in X.P.history(Up|Down)Matching
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20100208162901
Ignore-this: 61b9907318d18ef2fb5bc633048d3afc
[Compatibility for rename of XMonad.numlockMask
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100124201955
Ignore-this: 765c58a8b77ca0b54f05fd69a9bba714
[Use extensible-exceptions to allow base-3 or base-4
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100124203324
Ignore-this: 136f35fcc0f3a824b96eea0f4e04f276
[suppress some warnings under ghc 6.12.1 and clean up redundant imports to get rid of some others.
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20100112172507
Ignore-this: bf3487b27036b02797d9f528a078d006
[Corrected documentation in X.Prompt
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20100201204522
Ignore-this: 98f9889a4844bc765cbb9e43bd83bc05
[Use Stack instead of list in X.Prompt.history*Matching
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20100201202839
Ignore-this: 45d03c7096949bd250dd1c5c2d3646d4
[BluetileConfig: Fullscreen tweaks and border color change
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20100131233347
Ignore-this: 2a10959bed0f3fb9985e3dd1010f123b
[A.CycleWindows replace partial rotUp and rotDown with safer versions
Wirt Wolff <wirtwolff at gmail.com>**20100123231912
Ignore-this: 6b4e40c15b66fc53096910e85e736c23
Rather than throw exceptions, handle null and singleton lists, i.e.
f [] gives [] and f [x] gives [x].
[Use <+> instead of explicit M.union to merge keybindings in X.C.*
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100124202136
Ignore-this: e7bfd99eb4d3e6735153d1d5ec00a885
[Fix incorrect import suggestion in L.Tabbed (issue 362)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100121182501
Ignore-this: 5e46f140a7e8c2abf0ac75b3262a7da4
[Swap window ordering in L.Accordion (closes Issue 358). Thanks rsaarelm.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100121154344
Ignore-this: cd06b0f4fc85f857307aaae8f6e40af7
This change keeps windows in the same ordering when focus is changed.
[use restart to restart xmonad (no longer bluetile)
Jens Petersen <petersen at haskell.org>**20100116105935
Ignore-this: e6e27c65e25201fc84bfaf092dad48ac
[X.L.Decoration: avoid flicker by not showing decowins without rectangles
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20100116112054
Ignore-this: 6f38634706c3f35272670b969fc6cc96
These would be hidden by updateDecos immediately after being shown. This
caused flicker with simpleTabbed and only one window on a workspace.
[Add a way to cycle only through matching history entries in X.Prompt
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20100113233036
Ignore-this: d67aedb25f2cc6f329a78d5d3eebdd2b
This patch adds a way go up through X.Prompt's history using
only those entries that start with the current input, similar
to zsh's `history-search-backward'.
[Style changes in L.Minimize
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20100104144448
Ignore-this: 5f64c0717e24ed6cbe2c9fad50bf78a3
konstantin.sobolev at gmail.com**20091230070105
Ignore-this: 2c0e1b94f123a869fb4e72a802e59c2
Adds floating windows support to X.L.Minimize
[Use more imported cursor constants.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091230220927
Ignore-this: 91e55c63a1d020fafb6b53e6abf9766c
[import new contrib module, X.A.DynamicWorkspaceOrder
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091230192350
Ignore-this: bba2c0c30d5554612cc6e8bd59fee205
[X.A.CycleWS: export generalized 'doTo' function for performing an action on a workspace relative to the current one
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091230191953
Ignore-this: 7cf8efe7c45b501cbcea0943f667b77e
[new contrib module, X.A.DynamicWorkspaceGroups, for managing groups of workspaces on multi-head setups
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091229165702
Ignore-this: fc3e6932a95f57b36b4d8d4cc7f3e2d7
[new contrib module from Tomas Janousek, X.A.WorkspaceNames
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091229163915
Ignore-this: 5bc7caaf38647de51949a24498001474
[X.P.Shell, filter empty string from PATH
Tim Horton <tmhorton at gmail.com>**20091224033217
Ignore-this: 1aec55452f917d0be2bff7fcf5937766
doesDirectoryExist returns True if given an empty string using ghc <= 6.10.4.
This causes getDirectoryContents to raise an exception and X.P.Shell does not
render. This is only an issue if you have an empty string in your PATH.
Using ghc == 6.12.1, doesDirectoryExist returns False given an empty string, so
this should not be an issue in the future.
[small tweak to battery logger
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091227085641
Ignore-this: 350dfed0cedd250cd9d4bd3391cbe034
[Use imported xC_bottom_right_corner in A.MouseResize
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091227233705
Ignore-this: 52794f788255159b91e68f2762c5f6a1
[X.A.MouseResize: assign an appropriate cursor for the resizing inpuwin
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091227212140
Ignore-this: d9ce96c2cd0312b6b5be4acee30a1da3
[Fix the createSession bug in spawnPipe
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091227003501
Ignore-this: 2d7f8746eb657036d39f3b9aac22b3c9
Both the new XMonad.Core.xfork function and spawnPipe call createSession, calling
this function twice results in an error.
[Let the core know about MouseResizableTile's draggers, so they are stacked correctly
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091223145428
Ignore-this: 7c096aba6b540ccf9b49c4ee86c6091a
[Update all uses of forkProcess to xfork
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091223064558
Ignore-this: 963a4ddf1d2f4096bbb8969b173cd0c1
[Make X.L.Minimize explicitly mark minimized windows as boring
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091222214529
Ignore-this: b1e8adf26ac87dede6c1b7a7d687411c
[Actions/Search: added openstreetmap
intrigeri at boum.org**20091222114545
Ignore-this: fafc4680c8b59b7a044d995c1dacec9a
[Add a search predicate option to XMonad.Prompt
Mike Lundy <mike at fluffypenguin.org>**20091221025408
Ignore-this: 8e8804eeb9650d38bc225e15887310da
[In D.Extending note how <+> can be used with keybindings.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091220190739
Ignore-this: ebea8ef8a835ed368fa06621add6519f
[Fix MultiToggle crashes with decorated layouts
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091220004733
Ignore-this: 9208f5da9f0de95464ea62cb45e8f291
The problem was that certain layouts keep their "world" state in their value,
which was thrown away and forgotten after ReleaseResources during toggle.
In particular, decorated layouts store some X11 handles in them and
allocate/deallocate it as appropriate. If any modification to their state is
ignored, they may try to deallocate already deallocated memory, which results
in a crash somewhere inside Xlib.
This patch makes Transformers reversible so that nothing is ever ignored. As a
side effect, layout transformers now do receive messages and messages for the
base layout do not need the undo/reapply cycle -- we just pass messages to the
current transformed layout and unapply the transformer when needed.
(This, however, doesn't mean that the base layout is not asked to release
resources on a transformer change -- we still need the transformer to release
its resources and there's no way to do this without asking the base layout as
[Golf / style change in U.ExtensibleState
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091208010506
Ignore-this: c35bd85baae4700e14417ac7e07de959
[Style changes in EwmhDesktops
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091219003824
Ignore-this: 905eff9ed951955c8f62617b2d82302e
[Add support for fullscreen through the _NET_WM_STATE protocol
audunskaugen at gmail.com**20091214135119
Ignore-this: 430ca3c6779e36383f8ce8e477ee9622
This patch adds support for applications using the
gtk_window_fullscreen function, and other applications using
_NET_WM_STATE for the same purpose.
[TAG 0.9.1
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091216233651
Ignore-this: 713d9dd89d775e30346f57a61038d308
[Bump version to 0.9.1
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091216232634
Ignore-this: bcd799c3341ee6c69a259e1dca747cac
[Match X11 dependencies with xmonad's
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091216012630
Ignore-this: bcbd6e3e5e2675cdac6f1d1b1bc09853
[Safer X11 version dependency
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091216005916
Ignore-this: 6dc805a8a0c7a3d3369bc1d6d97d4f56
[Update Prompt for numlockMask changes
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091103222621
Ignore-this: 4980e2fdf4c296a266590cc4acf76e1e
[X.L.MouseResizableTile: change description for mirrored variant
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091211124218
Ignore-this: dbc02fb777e35cdc15fb11979c1e983e
The description for mirrored MouseResizableTile is now "Mirror
MouseResizableTile", to follow the standard of other layouts that can be
mirrored using the Mirror modifier.
[X.A.GridSelect: documentation typo fix
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091211182515
Ignore-this: 521bef2a73a9e969d7a96defb555177b
spotted by Justin on IRC
[A.GridSelect shouldn't grab keys if there are no choices.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091210183038
Ignore-this: 48509f780120014a10b32e7289369f32
Thanks thermal2008 in #xmonad for bringing up the corner case when gridselect
is run with an empty list of choices.
[onScreen' variation for X () functions
Nils Schweinsberg <mail at n-sch.de>**20091209003717
Ignore-this: 6a9644c729c2b60f94398260f3640e4d
[Added Bluetile's config
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091209150309
Ignore-this: 641ae527ca6f615e81822b6f38f827e7
[BluetileCommands - a list of commands that Bluetile uses to communicate with its dock
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091208234431
Ignore-this: 1a5a5e69c7c37d3ffe8d8e09496568de
[Use lookup instead of find in A.PerWorkspaceKeys
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091129032650
Ignore-this: 7ecb043df4317365ff3d25b17303eed8
[Change of X.A.OnScreen, more simple and predictable behaviour of onScreen, new functions: toggle(Greedy)OnScreen
Nils Schweinsberg <mail at n-sch.de>**20091207155050
Ignore-this: c375250778758e401217bcad83567d3b
[Module to ensure that a dragged window always stays in front of all other windows
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091129004506
Ignore-this: a8a389198ccc28a66686561d4d17e91b
[Decoration that allows to switch the position of windows by dragging them onto each other.
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091129003431
Ignore-this: 38aff0f3beb1a1eb304219c4f3e85593
[A decoration with small buttons and a supporting module
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091129002416
Ignore-this: 2d65133bc5b9ad29bad7d06780bdaa4
[XMonad.Actions.Search: finally fixed the internet archive search plugin
gwern0 at gmail.com**20091205033435
Ignore-this: c78ecebced9bc8e39e6077ffa9f9f182
[XMonad.Actions.Search: in retrospect, a bit silly to make everyone go through SSL
gwern0 at gmail.com**20091205033318
Ignore-this: 452b4e6efb83935fc1063ab695ae074d
[Prompt.hs: Corrected quit keybindings
Tim Horton <tmhorton at gmail.com>**20091203050041
Ignore-this: e8cd2cd1d41f6807f68157ef37c631ea
[Extended decoration module with more hooks and consolidated some existing ones
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091128234310
Ignore-this: 5a23af3009ecca2feb9a84f8c6f8ac33
[Extended decoration theme to contain extra static text that always appears in the title bar
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091024213928
Ignore-this: 95f46d6b9ff716a2d8002a426c1012c8
[Extended paintAndWrite to allow for multiple strings to be written into the rectangle
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091024205111
Ignore-this: eb7d32284b7f98145038dcaa14f8075e
[Added the alignment option 'AlignRightOffset'
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091024204513
Ignore-this: 58cc00e1be669877e38a97e36b924969
[Prevent windows from being decorated that are too small to contain decoration.
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20090627094316
Ignore-this: 39b806462bbd424f1206b635e9d506e1
[X.L.MouseResizableTile: keep draggers on the bottom of the window stack.
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091126173413
Ignore-this: 8089cf8ce53580090b045f4aebb1b899
[Implemented smarter system of managing borders for BorderResize
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091122233651
Ignore-this: 4775c082249e598a84c79b2e819f28b0
[X.H.DynamicLog: fix xmonadPropLog double-encoding of UTF-8
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091121004829
Ignore-this: bde612bbd1a19951f9718a03e737c4ac
dynamicLogString utf-8 encodes its output, xmonadPropLog shouldn't do that
[X.H.DynamicLog: make documentation for 'dzen' and 'xmobar' slightly more clear
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091121170739
Ignore-this: c9a241677fda21ef93305fc3882f102e
[X.H.ManageDocks: ignore struts that cover an entire screen on that screen
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091119145043
Ignore-this: ad7bbf10c49c9f3e938cdc3d8588e202
Imagine a screen layout like this:
222222 <--- xmobar here
When placing xmobar as indicated, the partial strut property indicates that an
entire height of screen 1 is covered by the strut, as well as a few lines at
the top of screen 2. The original code would create a screen rectangle of
negative height and wreak havoc. This patch causes such strut to be ignored on
the screen it covers entirely, resulting in the desired behaviour of a small
strut at the top of screen 2.
Please note that this semantics of _NET_WM_STRUT and _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL is
different to what is in wm-spec. The "correct" thing to do would be to discard
the covered portion of screen 1 leaving two narrow areas at the sides, but
this new behaviour is probably more desirable in many cases, at least for
xmonad/xmobar users.
The correct solution of having separate _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL for each
Xinerama screen was mentioned in wm-spec maillist in 2007, but has never
really been proposed, discussed and included in wm-spec. Hence this "hack".
[Use imported 'fi' in PositionStoreHooks
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091119103112
Ignore-this: 6563a3093083667c79aa491a6f59b805
[Changed interface of X.U.ExtensibleState
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091116171013
Ignore-this: 9a830f9341e461628974890bab0bd65b
Changed the interface of X.U.ExtensibleState to resemble that of
Control.Monad.State and modified the modules that use it accordingly.
[PositionStoreFloat - a floating layout with support hooks
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091115184833
Ignore-this: 8b1d0fcef1465356d72cb5f1f32413b6
[PositionStore utility to store information about position and size of a window
Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>**20091108195735
Ignore-this: 2f6e68a490deb75cba5d007b30c93fb2
[X.H.Urgencyhook fix minor doc bug
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091115131121
Ignore-this: 18b63bccedceb66c77b345a9300f1ac3
[X.H.DynamicLog fix minor indentation oddness
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091115130707
Ignore-this: 7f2c49eae5527874ca4499767f4167c4
[X.A.CycleWS cycle by tag group
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091115130217
Ignore-this: 909da8c00b47a31d04f59bd3751c60bc
Allow grouping of workspaces, so that a user can cycle through those in the same group. Grouping is done by using a special character in the tag.
[Use less short names in X.Prompt
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091115025647
Ignore-this: 1d27b8efc4d829a5642717c6f6426336
[Use io instead of liftIO in Prompt
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091115025301
Ignore-this: cd4031b74cd5bb874cd2c3cc2cb087f2
['io' and 'fi' are defined outside of Prompt
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091115024001
Ignore-this: 3426056362db9cbfde7d2f4edbfe6f36
[Use zipWithM_ instead of recursion in Prompt.printComplList
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091115023451
Ignore-this: 2457500ed871ef120653a3d4ada13441
[Minor style changes in DynamicWorkspaces
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091115022751
Ignore-this: 1a6018ab134e4420a949354575a8a110
[X.A.DynamicWorkspaces fix doc and add behaviour
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091113233903
Ignore-this: ab7c20a9c1b43ebc6a7f4700d988fb73
Before this patch the documentation claims that it won't do anything on non-empty workspaces when it actually does. This patch fixes the documentation to reflect the actual behaviour, but also adds the behaviour promised by the documentation in other functions. It does not break configs. In addition it also provides functions to help removing empty workspaces when leaving them.
[rework XMonad.Util.Dzen
daniel at wagner-home.com**20091114051509
Ignore-this: 16d93f91c54f7d195b1a418e6c0351c5
[generalize IO actions to MonadIO m => m actions
daniel at wagner-home.com**20091114023616
Ignore-this: 2c801a27b0ffee34a2f0daca3778613a
This should not cause any working configs to stop working, because IO is an instance of MonadIO, and because complete configs will pin down the type of the call to IO. Note that XMonad.Config.Arossato is not a complete config, and so it needed some tweaks; with a main function, this should not be a problem.
[fix documentation to match implementation
daniel at wagner-home.com**20091114021328
Ignore-this: 6dbbb118b139f443c40a573445a48d07
[Bypass more of stringToKeysym in U.Paste
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091114223726
Ignore-this: 617c922647e9f49f5ecefa0eb1c65d3c
[Don't erase floating information with H.InsertPosition (Issue 334)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091113161402
Ignore-this: de1c03eb860ea25b390ee5c756b02997
[Rename gridselectViewWorkspace to gridselectWorkspace, add another example.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091112211435
Ignore-this: 462cf1c7f66ab97a1ce642977591a910
The name should be more general to suggest uses other than just viewing other
[X.A.DynamicWorkspaces: fix addWorkspace and friends so they never add another copy of an existing workspace
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091112201351
Ignore-this: 5bfe8129707b038ed04383b7566b2323
[Trim whitespace in H.FloatNext
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091111022702
Ignore-this: 1ad52678246fa1ac951169c2356ce10b
[Use ExtensibleState in H.FloatNext
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091111022513
Ignore-this: 760d95a685af080466cb4164d1096423
[Make a haddock link direct in C.Desktop.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091111013810
Ignore-this: da724a7974c3de60f49996c1fe92d3fb
[Change A.TopicSpace haddocks to use block quotes.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091111013241
Ignore-this: 6f7f43d2715cfde62b9c05c7d9a0da2
[Add defaultTopicConfig, to allow adding more fields to TopicSpace later.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091111012915
Ignore-this: 6dad95769651a9a1ef8d771f81c91f8e
[X.A.WindowGo: fix haddock markup
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091111003256
Ignore-this: c6a06de900ca8b67498abf5152e3d9ea
[Minor style corrections in X.U.SpawnOnce
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091109201543
Ignore-this: 1264852c23b4f84b2580bf4567529c68
[Add gridselectViewWorkspace in X.A.GridSelect
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091109155815
Ignore-this: 5543211e9e3fd325cb798b004635a525
`Henrique Abreu <hgabreu at gmail.com>'**20091104172727
Ignore-this: 231ad417541bc3c17a1cb2dff139d55d
[Set buffering to LineBuffering in scripts/xmonadpropread.hs
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091108204106
Ignore-this: 4e593fc1461fbbfb5b147c7c7702584e
(Required for the script to work properly with tools like dzen)
[X.U.ExtensibleState: style
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091108182858
Ignore-this: f189da75ad2c57ae9cca48eaf69a6bad
[X.A.DynamicWorkspaces: new 'addWorkspacePrompt' method
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at cis.upenn.edu>**20091108170503
Ignore-this: a3992b1b7938be80d8fd2a5a503a4042
[Remove defaulting when using NoMonomorphismRestriction in H.EwmhDesktops
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091107195255
Ignore-this: ca3939842639c94ca4fd1ff6624319c1
[Update A.TopicSpace to use extensible state. No config changes required.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091107194502
Ignore-this: 7a82aad512bb727b3447de0faa4a210f
[Inline tupadd function in A.GridSelect
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091101190312
Ignore-this: 458968154303ab865c304f387d6ac83b
[Alphabetize exposed-modules
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091107174946
Ignore-this: 919684aea7747a756b303f9b34a2870b
[Use X.U.SpawnOnce in my config
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091107174615
Ignore-this: fe8f5f75136128280942771ec429f09a
[Add XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091107173820
Ignore-this: 8d4657bbaa8dbeb1d0f9d22293bfef19
[Store deserialized data after reading in X.U.ExtensibleState
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091107103832
Ignore-this: 192beca56e9437292bd3f16451ae9e66
[Fixed conflict between X.U.ExtensibleState and X.C.Sjanssen
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091107103619
Ignore-this: 80f4bb218574d7c528af17473c6e4f66
[Use X.U.ExtensibleState instead of IORefs
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091106115601
Ignore-this: e0e80e31e51dfe76f2b2ed597892cbba
This patch changes SpawnOn, DynamicHooks and UrgencyHooks to
use X.U.ExtensibleState instead of IORefs. This simplifies the
usage of those modules thus also breaking current configs.
[Add X.U.ExtensibleState
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091106115336
Ignore-this: d80d9d0c10a53fb71a375e432bd29344
[My config uses xmonadPropLog now
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091107005230
Ignore-this: 8f16b8bea86dfcd3739f1566f5897578
[Add xmonadpropread script
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091107004858
Ignore-this: 8cc7ed36ec1126d0139638148f9642e8
[Add experimental xmonadPropLog function
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091107004624
Ignore-this: f09b2c11b16a3af993b63d1b39566120
[XMonad.Actions.Search: imdb search URL tweak for bug #33
gwern0 at gmail.com**20091103222330
Ignore-this: bae5e6d3ec6c4b6591016ece9dffb202
[Clean imports for L.BoringWindows
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091103140649
Ignore-this: 56946a652329390dbdd63746ca23ee8e
[I maintain L.BoringWindows
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091103140509
Ignore-this: de853972b4c1c4cefa2dc29e68828d5d
[fix window rectangle calculation in X.A.UpdatePointer
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091026154918
Ignore-this: ad0c3a020b802854919c7827faa001ad
[Implement hasProperty in terms of runQuery in U.WindowProperties
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091031154945
Ignore-this: 1c351bc436e0e323dc25d8f5ff734dcb
This addresses issue 302 for unicode titles by actually using the complicated
XMonad.ManageHook.title code, instead of reimplementing it with stringProperty
(which doesn't appear to handle unicode).
[Add functions to access the current input in X.Prompt
Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at gmail.com>**20091030235033
Ignore-this: 3f568c1266d85dcaa5722b19bbbd61dd
[Remove putSelection, fixes #317
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091030224354
Ignore-this: 6cfd6d92e1d133bc9e3cbb7c8339f735
[Fix typo in H.FadeInactive documentation
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20091029165736
Ignore-this: b2af487cd382416160d5540b7f210464
[X.L.MultiCol constructor 0 NWin bugfig
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091029105633
Ignore-this: e6a24f581593424461a8675984d14d25
Fix bug where the constructor did not accept catch-all columns. Also some minor cleaning.
[X.H.ManageHelpers: added currentWs that returns the current workspace
Ismael Carnales <icarnales at gmail.com>**20091028193519
Ignore-this: dcd3dac6bd741d26747807691f125637
[X.L.MultiColumns bugfix and formating
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091027131741
Ignore-this: 6978f485d18adb8bf81cf6c8e0d0332
Fix bug where a column list of insufficient length could be used to find the column of the window. Also fix formating to conform better with standards.
[X.L.MultiColumns NWin shrinkning fix
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091027005932
Ignore-this: 9ba40ee14ec12c3885173817eac2b564
Fixed a bug where the list containing the number of windows in each column was allowed the shrink if a column was unused.
[New Layout X.L.MultiColumns
Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>**20091024175155
Ignore-this: a2d3d2eee52c28eab7d125f6b621cada
New layout inspired the realization that I was switching between Mirror Tall and Mirror ThreeCol depending on how many windows there were on the workspace. This layout will make those changes automatically.
[Changing behaviour of ppUrgent with X.H.DynamicLog
mail at n-sch.de**20090910010411
Ignore-this: 3882f36d5c49e53628485c1570bf136a
Currently, the ppUrgent method is an addition to the ppHidden method.
This doesn't make any sense since it is in fact possible to get urgent
windows on the current and visible screens. So I've raised the ppUrgent
printer to be above ppCurrent/ppVisible and dropped its dependency on
In addition to that this makes it a lot more easier to define a more
custom ppUrgent printer, since you don't have to "undo" the ppHidden
printer anymore. This also basicly removes the need for dzenStrip,
although I just changed the description.
-- McManiaC / Nils
[fix X.U.Run.spawnPipe fd leak
Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz>**20091025210246
Ignore-this: 24375912d505963fafc917a63d0e79a0
[TAG 0.9
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20091026013449
Ignore-this: 542b6105d6deed65e12d1f91c666b0b2
Patch bundle hash:
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