[xmonad] Re: darcs patch: add XMonad.Hooks.PlaceNext

Ben Boeckel mathstuf at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 00:42:25 EDT 2010

Oops, attaching the patch would be nice I guess.

-------------- next part --------------
Changes to XMonad/Hooks/ToggleHook.hs:

Sat Jun 26 00:16:13 EDT 2010  mathstuf at gmail.com
  * add-togglehook
  This patch adds the XMonad.Hooks.ToggleHook hook to allow any hook to be
  applied conditionally to new windows. Based off of X.H.FloatNext, it
  has switches for just the next window and all following windows. It
  includes actions to bind to keys to be able to toggle the state, loggers
  to allow the current state to be printed in the statusbar via
    addfile ./XMonad/Hooks/ToggleHook.hs
    hunk ./XMonad/Hooks/ToggleHook.hs 1
    +{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
    +-- |
    +-- Module      :  XMonad.Hooks.ToggleHook
    +-- Copyright   :  Ben Boeckel <mathstuf at gmail.com>
    +-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
    +-- Maintainer  :  Ben Boeckel <mathstuf at gmail.com>
    +-- Stability   :  unstable
    +-- Portability :  unportable
    +-- Hook and keybindings for toggling hook behavior.
    +module XMonad.Hooks.ToggleHook ( -- * Usage
    +                                 -- $usage
    +                                 -- * The hook
    +                                 toggleHook
    +                               , toggleHook'
    +                                 -- * Actions
    +                               , hookNext
    +                               , toggleHookNext
    +                               , hookAllNew
    +                               , toggleHookAllNew
    +                                 -- * Queries
    +                               , willHook
    +                               , willHookNext
    +                               , willHookAllNew
    +                                 -- * 'DynamicLog' utilities
    +                                 -- $pp
    +                               , willHookNextPP
    +                               , willHookAllNewPP
    +                               , runLogHook ) where
    +import Prelude hiding (all)
    +import XMonad
    +import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
    +import Control.Monad (join,guard)
    +import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
    +import Control.Arrow (first, second)
    +import Data.Map
    +{- Helper functions -}
    +_set :: String -> ((a -> a) -> (Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)) -> a -> X ()
    +_set n f b = modify' n (f $ const b)
    +_toggle :: String -> ((Bool -> Bool) -> (Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)) -> X ()
    +_toggle n f = modify' n (f not)
    +_get :: String -> ((Bool, Bool) -> a) -> X a
    +_get n f = XS.gets $ f . (findWithDefault (False, False) n . hooks)
    +_pp :: String -> ((Bool, Bool) -> Bool) -> String -> (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
    +_pp n f s st = (\b -> guard b >> Just (st s)) <$> _get n f
    +{- The current state is kept here -}
    +data HookState = HookState { hooks :: Map String (Bool, Bool) } deriving (Typeable)
    +instance ExtensionClass HookState where
    +    initialValue = HookState empty
    +modify' :: String -> ((Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)) -> X ()
    +modify' n f = XS.modify (HookState . setter . hooks)
    +    where
    +        setter m = insert n (f (findWithDefault (False, False) n m)) m
    +-- $usage
    +-- This module provides actions (that can be set as keybindings)
    +-- to be able to cause hooks to be occur on a conditional basis.
    +-- You can use it by including the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
    +-- > import XMonad.Hooks.ToggleHook
    +-- and adding 'toggleHook name hook' to your 'ManageHook' where @name@ is the
    +-- name of the hook and @hook@ is the hook to execute based on the state.
    +-- > myManageHook = toggleHook "float" doFloat <+> manageHook defaultConfig
    +-- Additionally, toggleHook' is provided to toggle between two hooks (rather
    +-- than on/off).
    +-- > myManageHook = toggleHook' "oldfocus" (const id) W.focusWindow <+> manageHook defaultConfig
    +-- The 'hookNext' and 'toggleHookNext' functions can be used in key
    +-- bindings to set whether the hook is applied or not.
    +-- > , ((modm, xK_e), toggleHookNext "float")
    +-- 'hookAllNew' and 'toggleHookAllNew' are similar but float all
    +-- spawned windows until disabled again.
    +-- > , ((modm, xK_r), toggleHookAllNew "float")
    +-- | This 'ManageHook' will selectively apply a hook as set
    +-- by 'hookNext' and 'hookAllNew'.
    +toggleHook :: String -> ManageHook -> ManageHook
    +toggleHook n h = toggleHook' n h idHook
    +toggleHook' :: String -> ManageHook -> ManageHook -> ManageHook
    +toggleHook' n th fh = do m <- liftX $ XS.gets hooks
    +                         (next, all) <- return $ findWithDefault (False, False) n m
    +                         liftX $ XS.put $ HookState $ insert n (False, all) m
    +                         if next || all then th else fh
    +-- | @hookNext name True@ arranges for the next spawned window to
    +-- have the hook @name@ applied, @hookNext name False@ cancels it.
    +hookNext :: String -> Bool -> X ()
    +hookNext n = _set n first
    +toggleHookNext :: String -> X ()
    +toggleHookNext n = _toggle n first
    +-- | @hookAllNew name True@ arranges for new windows to
    +-- have the hook @name@ applied, @hookAllNew name False@ cancels it
    +hookAllNew :: String -> Bool -> X ()
    +hookAllNew n = _set n second
    +toggleHookAllNew :: String -> X ()
    +toggleHookAllNew n = _toggle n second
    +-- | Query what will happen at the next ManageHook call for the hook @name at .
    +willHook :: String -> X Bool
    +willHook n = willHookNext n <||> willHookAllNew n
    +-- | Whether the next window will trigger the hook @name at .
    +willHookNext :: String -> X Bool
    +willHookNext n = _get n fst
    +-- | Whether new windows will trigger the hook @name at .
    +willHookAllNew :: String -> X Bool
    +willHookAllNew n = _get n snd
    +-- $pp
    +-- The following functions are used to display the current
    +-- state of 'hookNext' and 'hookAllNew' in your
    +-- 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.dynamicLogWithPP'.
    +-- 'willHookNextPP' and 'willHookAllNewPP' should be added
    +-- to the 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.ppExtras' field of your
    +-- 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.PP'.
    +-- Use 'runLogHook' to refresh the output of your 'logHook', so
    +-- that the effects of a 'hookNext'/... will be visible
    +-- immediately:
    +-- > , ((modm, xK_e), toggleHookNext "float" >> runLogHook)
    +-- The @String -> String@ parameters to 'willHookNextPP' and
    +-- 'willHookAllNewPP' will be applied to their output, you
    +-- can use them to set the text color, etc., or you can just
    +-- pass them 'id'.
    +willHookNextPP :: String -> (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
    +willHookNextPP n = _pp n fst "Next"
    +willHookAllNewPP :: String -> (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
    +willHookAllNewPP n = _pp n snd "All"
    +runLogHook :: X ()
    +runLogHook = join $ asks $ logHook . config
    hunk ./xmonad-contrib.cabal 155
    +                        XMonad.Hooks.ToggleHook

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