[xmonad] withIM combination

Henrique G. Abreu hgabreu at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 14:01:34 EST 2010

If I understood you correctly, I've manage to set what you want.
I found this weird to work with :) anyway, here it is:

import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Layout.ComboP
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import XMonad.Layout.TwoPane

layout = avoidStruts $ smartBorders $ onWorkspace "im" imLayout $ tiled
    imLayout = combineTwoP (TwoPane inc 0.5) (myIM pidgin) (myIM skype)
(ClassName "Pidgin")
    myIM roaster =  combineTwoP (TwoPane inc 0.13) tiled simpleTabbed
    tiled = Tall 1 inc 0.5
    pidgin = ClassName "Pidgin" `And` Role "buddy_list"
    skype = ClassName "Skype" `And` Role "MainWindow"
    inc = 0.05

Henrique G. Abreu

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 14:45, Alessandro Massignan <ff0000.it at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> few months ago i give xmonad a chance and I really like it a lot...
> There's only one problem: i'm an ultra-rookie to xmonad and to haskell, so
> i beg for knowledge :-P
> I try to setup a layout suitable for chatting and looking around I found:
> * XMonad.Layout.IM
> * XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators
> what I'm trying to do is to set up a layout that split my screen
> horizontally
> in two sections and LayoutCombinators seems to be the one; each
> section is handled with IM layout.
> I've forgotten to mention that in the upper section i run pidgin and in the
> lower skype, so in each section i want the buddies list on the left and
> each
> opened chat to be "tabbed" on the right.
> Basically i have this:
> tabbedLayout = (tabbed shrinkText tabbedTheme)
> commLayout = avoidStruts $
>             (withIM (0.20) pidginRoster tabbedLayout)
>             *//*
>             (withIM (0.20) skypeRoster tabbedLayout)
> pidginRoster = (ClassName "Pidgin") `And`
>              (Role "buddy_list")
> skypeRoster  = (ClassName "Skype") `And`
>               (Not (Title "Options")) `And`
>               (Not (Role "Chats"))    `And`
>               (Not (Role "CallWindowForm"))
> ok, it runs but with an essential issue: every chat window is tabbed in the
> upper section, while i want the pidgin chats above and skype chats below.
> Any hints?
> Thanks a lot! :-)
> ff0000
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