[xmonad] Recommended setup for coding

Ralph Hofmann hofmann2004 at arcor.de
Mon Jan 25 10:06:57 EST 2010

Am Montag, den 25.01.2010, 15:11 +0100 schrieb Ralph Hofmann:
> Everything with xmonad in its name removed and installed again with
> "cabal install xmonad xmonad-contrib": it works.
> Then reinstalled from the darcs directories: it still works.
> I guess, I have xmonad-darcs working now.

No, that was too fast. I had just hitten the send-email button and got a

I am now back to the version from "cabal install xmonad ..." (which
freezes too) and have found something, that I can reproduce: 

I start the session with metacity, open a terminal and enter "killall
metacity && xmonad &". Now I am on xmonad with the terminal still open.
When I close the terminal with the kill-shortkey (by default (modm .|.
shiftMask, xK_c)) I get a freeze. It's only partial, I can call Gnome-Do
for example, but I can't switch workspaces anymore. I also got freezes
when starting firefox.

I have added my xmonad.hs, in case someone would like to check it.


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