[xmonad] darcs patch: Correct warnings with ghc-6.12 (and 1 more)

Adam Vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 11:26:14 EST 2010

Mon Jan 18 11:20:58 EST 2010  Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>
  * Correct warnings with ghc-6.12
  Changes include:
    - compatibility with base-4 or 3 (base-2 untested) by using
      extensible-exceptions. This adds an additional dependency for users of
    - list all dependencies again when -ftesting (change in Cabal-
    - remove unnecessary imports
    - suppress -fwarn-unused-do-bind, with appropriate Cabal-1.8 workaround,
      described here:

Mon Jan 18 11:22:56 EST 2010  Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>
  * Rename numlockMask to numberlockMask to help users of the template config.
  Without the change, the errors are like:
  >     [ unrelated error messages ]
  >     No constructor has all these fields: `numlockMask',
  >       `terminal', [every other field set]
  With the change:
  >     `numlockMask' is not a record selector
  >     [ context where numlockMask is named ]
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