[xmonad] DynamicWorkspaces: New WS not accessible with mod+number

Ralph Hofmann hofmann2004 at arcor.de
Fri Jan 15 09:39:58 EST 2010

After playing around a little bit more:

It has nothing to do with virtualbox. 

I have started a new session after a reboot. I started with four
workspaces 1-4. Before doing anything else, I added a new workspace 5.
This workspace can't be accessed with mod+5. However if I remove one of
the four workspaces and recreate it, mod+number works correctly.

"mod+number" seems to be limited by the number of workspaces, with is
set as default in xmonad.hs. I don't think, this is on purpose.


Am Donnerstag, den 14.01.2010, 20:07 +0100 schrieb Ralph Hofmann:
> I prefer using only few workspaces by default and adding one if needed,
> whether by adding a workspace with addWorkspace and rename it or, more
> easily, by using selectWorkspace and entering a number that doesn't
> exist. In both cases, i can't access the new workspace by "mod + number
> of workspace".
> Is there a workaround?
> My xmonad has version 0.9-1.
> Ralph
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