[xmonad] UnManageHook?

Jan Vornberger Jan.Vornberger at Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE
Tue Sep 22 17:04:01 EDT 2009


I'm currently looking into how to re-implement my PositionStore in a way
that is more suited to go into xmonad's mainline. As mentioned before, I
currently plan to base this on Daniel Schoepe's extensible state patch [1].
Then use a ManageHook to fill the PositionStore with information about
windows as they are created. However, I also need to delete those
entries once a window is closed again, so that the PositionStore doesn't
accumulate junk over time.

One way could be to check from time to time (e.g. every time a new
window appears) all the entries if the associated windows still exist.
But that seems unnecessary expensive.

So I was thinking of adding an 'UnManageHook' as a counter part to
ManageHooks so that modules from contrib can be notified when a window
is unmapped.

Any objections against this? Or is there an alternative way, which I
didn't consider?



[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.xmonad/8126

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