[xmonad] [xmonad-contrib] darcs patch: FocusNth again

Gwern Branwen gwern0 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 13:08:27 EST 2009

2008/10/19 Aleksey P. Artamonov <aleksey.artamonov at gmail.com>:
> As you can see I sent patch to XMonad.Actions.FocusNth last week. There were
> some stupid mistakes I didn't notice although these were big mistakes. Now I
> hope they've gone. So it's my second attempt. Please provide me with
> information about "state of approving".
> Besides, I've got a question which appeared while I was fixing mistakes in
> this patch. The best way to understand it is simply to simulate it by
> yourself. So choose a workspace with fullscreen layout. Execute one full
> screen program. Then one floating. Then full screen again. It would be
> better if you could tell both full screen apps apart easily. Now focus the
> application you ran most recent (let's call it A). Then focus down to the
> floating application. Now this floating application is really in the focus
> but application A has gone from the background. Instead application you ran
> the first is in the background. So my question is about whether it is
> possible to by-pass this behavior.
> Thanks.
> Sun Oct 19 17:03:30 EEST 2008  Aleksey Artamonov
> <aleksey.artamonov at gmail.com>
>  * FocusNth improvements fixed
>  There were some stupid mistakes in the previous version I sent. The
>  main idea has not changed. This patch provides a way of altering
>  switching order of FocusNth.
> New patches:
> [FocusNth improvements fixed
> Aleksey Artamonov <aleksey.artamonov at gmail.com>**20081019140330
>  There were some stupid mistakes in the previous version I sent. The
>  main idea has not changed. This patch provides a way of altering
>  switching order of FocusNth.
> ] {
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs 17
> -                 focusNth) where
> +                 focusNth,
> +                 focusNthExt
> +                               ) where
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs 21
> -import XMonad.StackSet
> +import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs 35
> +-- Sometimes it is really convenient to alter the order
> +-- of windows' switching or to omit some of the windows
> +-- at all. To fulfill this 'focusNthExt' should be used.
> +-- The following code switches to the floating windows
> +-- only after all the others (uses XMonad.Util.EZConfig):
> +--
> +-- > -- mod-[F1 .. F9]
> +-- > ++
> +-- > [ ("M-<F" ++ k ++ ">", do
> +-- >              state <- get
> +-- >              floating <- return $ W.floating (windowset state)
> +-- >              focusNthExt (\x -> let (a, b) = partition (not . (flip
> M.member) floating) x in a ++ b)
> +-- >                          i)
> +-- >   | (k, i) <- zip (map show [1..]) [0..8]
> +-- > ]
> +--
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs 56
> -focusNth = windows . modify' . focusNth'
> -
> -focusNth' :: Int -> Stack a -> Stack a
> -focusNth' n s@(Stack _ ls rs) | (n < 0) || (n > length(ls) + length(rs)) =
> s
> -                              | otherwise = listToStack n (integrate s)
> +focusNth = focusNthExt (\x -> x)
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs 58
> -listToStack :: Int -> [a] -> Stack a
> -listToStack n l = Stack t ls rs
> - where
> -    (t:rs)    = drop n l
> -    ls        = reverse (take n l)
> +-- | Give focus to the nth window taking into consideration windows'
> rearranging
> +-- function.
> +focusNthExt :: ([Window] -> [Window]) -> Int -> X()
> +focusNthExt t = windows . modify' . (focusNth' t)
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs 63
> +focusNth' :: ([Window] -> [Window]) -> Int -> Stack Window -> Stack Window
> +focusNth' transform n s =
> +    let integrated = integrate s
> +        transformed = transform $ integrated
> +        matching = length transformed
> +    in if (n < 0) || (n >= matching)
> +       then s
> +       else listToStack n transformed integrated
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs 72
> +listToStack :: Int -> [Window] -> [Window] -> Stack Window
> +listToStack num transformed real = Stack t (reverse rls) rs
> +    where
> +      t = transformed !! num
> +      (rls, _ : rs) = span (/= t) real
> }
> Context:
> [Prompt.hs rename deleteConsecutiveDuplicates
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008205131
>  That name is really unwieldy and long.
> ]
> [Prompt.hs: have historyCompletion filter dupes
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008204710
>  Specifically, it calls deleteConsecutiveDuplicates on the end product.
> uniqSort reverses order in an unfortunate way, so we don't use that.
>  The use-case is when a user has added the same input many times - as it
> stands, if the history records 30 'top's or whatever, the completion will
> show 30 'top' entries! This fixes that.
> ]
> [Prompt.hs: tweak haddocks
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008204649]
> [Prompt.hs: mv uniqSort to next to its confreres, and mention the trade-off
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008192645]
> [Do not consider XMONAD_TIMER unknown
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081008195643]
> [Kill window without focusing it first
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081005002533
>  This patch requires the patch "add killWindow function" in xmonad.
>  Before this patch, people would experience “workspace flicker† when
> closing
>  a window via EWMH that is not on the current workspace, for example when
>  quitting pidgin via the panel icon.
> ]
> [let MagnifyLess actually magnify less
> daniel at wagner-home.com**20081015153911]
> [Depend on X11 >= 1.4.3
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921055456]
> [Actions.Search: add a few search engines
> intrigeri at boum.org**20081008104033
>  Add Debian {package, bug, tracking system} search engines, as well as
> Google
>  Images and isohunt.
> ]
> [Implement HiddenNonEmptyWS with HiddenWS and NonEmptyWS
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081006211027
>  (Just to reduce code duplication)
> ]
> [Add straightforward HiddenWS to WSType
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081006210548
>  With NonEmptyWS and HiddenNonEmptyWS present, HiddenWS is obviously
> missing.
> ]
> [Merge emptyLayoutMod into redoLayout
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081005190220
>  This removes the emptyLayoutMod method from the LayoutModifier class, and
>  change the Stack parameter to redoLayout to a Maybe Stack one. It also
> changes
>  all affected code. This should should be a refactoring without any change
> in
>  program behaviour.
> ]
> [SmartBorders even for empty layouts
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081005184426
>  Fixes: http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=223
> ]
> [Paste.hs: improve haddocks
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080927150158]
> [Paste.hs: fix haddock
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080927145238]
> [minor explanatory comment
> daniel at wagner-home.com**20081003015919]
> [XMonad.Layout.HintedGrid: add GridRatio (--no-test because of haddock
> breakage)
> Lukas Mai <l.mai at web.de>**20080930141715]
> [XMonad.Util.Font: UTF8 -> USE_UTF8
> Lukas Mai <l.mai at web.de>**20080930140056]
> [Paste.hs: implement noModMask suggestion
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080926232056]
> [fix a divide by zero error in Grid
> daniel at wagner-home.com**20080926204148]
> [-DUTF8 flag with -DUSE_UTF8
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080921154014]
> [XSelection.hs: use CPP to compile against utf8-string
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080920151615]
> [add XMonad.Config.Azerty
> Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080924044946]
> [flip GridRatio to match convention (x/y)
> Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080922033354]
> [let Grid have a configurable aspect ratio goal
> daniel at wagner-home.com**20080922010950]
> [Paste.hs: +warning about ASCII limitations
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080921155038]
> [Paste.hs: shorten comment lines to under 80 columns per sjanssen
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080921154950]
> [Forgot to enable historyFilter :(
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921094254]
> [Prompt: add configurable history filters
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921093453]
> [Update my config to use 'statusBar'
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921063513]
> [Rename pasteKey functions to sendKey
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921062016]
> [DynamicLog: doc fixes
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921061314]
> [Move XMonad.Util.XPaste to XMonad.Util.Paste
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921060947]
> [statusBar now supplies the action to toggle struts
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080918013858]
> [cleanup - use currentTag
> Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080921011159]
> [XPaste.hs: improve author info
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080920152342]
> [+XMonad.Util.XPaste: a module for pasting strings to windows
> gwern0 at gmail.com**20080920152106]
> [UrgencyHook bug fix: cleanupUrgents should clean up reminders, too
> Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080920062117]
> [Sketch of XMonad.Config.Monad
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080917081838]
> [raiseMaster
> seanmce33 at gmail.com**20080912184830]
> [Add missing space between dzen command and flags
> Daniel Neri <daniel.neri at sigicom.com>**20080915131009]
> [Big DynamicLog refactor.  Added statusBar, improved compositionality for
> dzen and xmobar
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080913205931
>  Compatibility notes:
>     - dzen type change
>     - xmobar type change
>     - dynamicLogDzen removed
>     - dynamicLogXmobar removed
> ]
> [Take maintainership of XMonad.Prompt
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911230442]
> [Overhaul Prompt to use a zipper for history navigation.  Fixes issue #216
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911225940]
> [Use the new completion on tab setting
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911085940]
> [Only start to show the completion window with more than one match
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20080908110129]
> [XPrompt: Add showCompletionOnTab option
> Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20080908105758
>  This patch partially implements
>  http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=215
>  It adds a XPConfig option that, if enabled, hides the completion window
>  until the user presses Tab once. Default behaviour is preserved.
>  TODO: If Tab causes a unique completion, continue to hide the completion
>  window.
> ]
> [XMonad.Actions.Plane.planeKeys: function to make easier to configure
> Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20080714153601]
> [XMonad.Actions.Plane: removed unneeded hiding
> Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20080714152631]
> [Improvements in documentation
> Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20080709002425]
> [Fix haddock typos in XMonad.Config.{Desktop,Gnome,Kde}
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911040808]
> [add clearUrgents for your keys
> Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080909055425]
> [add reminder functionality to UrgencyHook
> Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080824200548
>  I'm considering rewriting remindWhen and suppressWhen as
> UrgencyHookModifiers, so to speak. Bleh.
> ]
> [TAG 0.8
> Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080905195420]
> Patch bundle hash:
> c25bdc9fad76dda0fec8dc42650397a3cdf980f5
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> xmonad mailing list
> xmonad at haskell.org
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I have no opinion on this patch, but Karsten Schoelzel is the
maintainer for UpdatePoiinter.

Karsten: is this patch accepted or rejected?


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