[xmonad] Fullscreen games

Luis Cabellos zhen.sydow at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 18:08:21 EST 2009

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Joseph Garvin <joseph.h.garvin at gmail.com>wrote:

> What's the best window setting for fullscreen games with xmonad? I
> want tiling most of the time, but for fullscreen games I'd prefer to
> have xmonad keep its hands off. But if I use doFloat, then my game is
> almost fullscreen but has an ugly red border around it (I like the
> border when I'm using tiled windows, just not for fullscreen games,
> otherwise I'd just disable it entirely), and if I use doIgnore, then
> my game gets mouse focus but not keyboard focus. Neither option is
> optimal. Is there a way to disable the border on a per window basis,
> or to make it give an ignored window keyboard focus before ignoring
> it, or some other clever hack?
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I use a special workspace for movies and fullscreen apps using onWorkspace
function, something like that on layoutHook:

onWorkspace "multimedia" ( noBorders Simplest )


LC, ("Premature optimization is the root of all evil." - Donald E. Knuth)
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