[xmonad] Bluetile

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Tue Aug 25 13:01:30 EDT 2009

> So to conclude this whirlwind tour: I see a lot of valuable stuff.
> The greeter is something that could definitely be in core (although I
> think the gtk2hs dep is untenable, so I expect a better idea would be
> to run an xmessage prompt with a list of keybindings). The dock is a
> nice alternative to the ridiculously baroque setups for xmobar and
> dzen - those may be really nice and customizable, but they are
> absolutely unsuitable for beginners, and even setting up a Gnome panel
> is a bit much for non-intermediate or advanced XMonaders.

Ok. So a good contrib module.

> And the string atom stuff has already been done by Stumpwm/Ratpoison,
> and I asked for this in the past - XMonad should be scriptable from
> the outside.

Anyone interested in contacting the developer, and seeing how far they
want to proceed with the patch imports?

-- Don

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