[xmonad] Bluetile

Daniel Schoepe daniel.schoepe at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 25 05:58:34 EDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 05:17:00AM -0400, gwern0 at gmail.com wrote:
> Interesting is how bluetiledock achieves this functionality, how it makes xmonad actually do something - it seems to be using a X-based method of IPC, in which a integer is stored in an X atom and xmonad then grabs it and does something with it:

It sounds like the already existing X.H.ServerMode, which has a
horribly inflexible API, since it always uses a fixed list of
commands, that can not be changed conveniently. I'll submit a patch
later, so that one could use that module instead and avoid code duplication.

> - XMonad.Hooks.EventHook
>     Old code? Seems to've been removed in darcs XMC

Yes, it has been replaced by handleEventHook in core. Using that
instead should be a trivial change.

> And the string atom stuff has already been done by Stumpwm/Ratpoison, and I asked for this in the past - XMonad should be scriptable from the outside.

FWIW: I got a half-ready solution about this in xmonad-extras, which
allows sending Haskell expressions via socket, but perhaps a
language-agnostic IPC facility might also be a good thing(a lot more
work though, if it should be general and flexible):
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