[xmonad] startup programs

Bozelos Dimitris dbozelos at yahoo.gr
Sat Aug 15 19:28:31 EDT 2009

Hello everyone,

thanks for your replies and sorry for the late reply from my part, I didn't have internet access for looong time.

Thanks a lot Olivier, that's the closest to what I want to do. I have some questions:

1) Sometimes programs are placed in different order than asked in the startup hook, probably because of different startup times. Also sometimes one program might need another to successfully run. So is there a way to have xmonad to wait until one program has fully started before proceeded to the next? In my case something like

myStartupHook = do
            spawn "xterm -e '/usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -r48000'"
            a command for " wait until jackd has ran " or " wait 5 seconds " and then
            spawn "xterm -e 'chuck --loop --srate48000'"

2) Is there a way to run a terminal and a program from a specified directory? Like if I would do in a terminal : 1) cd "path" 2) emacs - so that emacs starts with "path" as its default directory

3) With some programs with no graphical interface that print messages to the terminal like jackd as above, when I startup with the above way it's not really the same as if I would call it from a terminal. If it terminates for any reason it dissapears while if I had ran it from a terminal the terminal would stay and I could have seen any error messages. Anybody knows if it can be otherwise?

4) I couldn't really find out how to move a program or terminal to a desktop, can you please make your example more precise? Let's say I want to run 2 instances of emacs and move the first to desktop 1 and the second to desktop 2. How would I do this?



>You can launch each terminal you want to put on the desktop FooBar with
>the command "xterm -name gotoFooBar" and add the following manageDocks
>to your xmonad.hs:
>myManageHook = manageDocks <+> composeAll
>   [ title =? "gotoFooBar" --> doF (W.shift "FooBar")
>    ]
>Moreover, you can know the class and the name of an X windows with the
>command xprop.

>>Hello everyone,
>>After making the usual statement that I'm completely new to xmonad and I have no clue about haskell, I have loved xmonad and I have a question to find out if I can make more out of it:
>>I'm using fedora linux with xmonad and i'm preparing for a music performance. I need at the concert to be able to startup my laptop and if possible to have everything up and running, without having to switch between desktops and run terminals & programs. This means that I don't only want to run some programs at startup (which could be done in the usual way for linux with a startup script - although I don't really know much about it) but I want the programs to be ran from terminals and be placed in the desktops in the way I would do manually after launching xmonad.
>>Is this possible with xmonad? Any simple tutorials available on this? Thanks,

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