[xmonad] FR: runOrToggleVisibility

Konstantin Sobolev konstantin.sobolev at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 13:31:49 EDT 2009

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Wirt Wolff <wirtwolff at gmail.com> wrote:
> Excerpts from Konstantin Sobolev's message of Mon Apr 27 09:44:55 -0600 2009:
>> NamedScratchpad does exactly this, but always makes windows floating.
>> However, it won't float them if it's manage hook isn't installed but
>> only actions are used. May be I should make this feature official by
>> adding 'float::Bool' to the config?
> NamedScratchpad is very nice addition; I wonder if it would be better
> combined into the regular Scratchpad module to avoid some of the code
> duplication and for simplicity of searching, documenting and
> remembering.
> Although I've not gotten around to using it yet, I definitely plan to.
> I would mainly use this for tiled applications, so I would love to see
> you merge it into Util.Scratchpad (re-implement existing scratchpad fns
> in terms of the more general versions from NamedScratchpad) and include
> the float parameter. Other opinions?

Makes sense, I can do that. I just don't know what is the policy,
Scratchpad has it's own maintainer after all.

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