[xmonad] Update to my placement module + other new module

Quentin Moser quentin.moser at unifr.ch
Wed Apr 15 15:19:25 EDT 2009


In a previous mail, I've introduced a module for automatic placement of
floating windows, and mentioned difficulties on getting it to compose
correctly with other hooks.

The fact is, the method I used to place windows in a way compatible
with simple(st)Float (set the position at the X level) was brittle at
best, and stopped working as soon as I tried to make my hook compose
correctly with others.

So I've dropped simple(st)Float support in placeHook, thanks to which
I've been able to revrite it as a perfectly well-behaved pure hook that
composes without trouble. (placeFocused still supports WindowArranged
windows, though). This version is simpler and much more
confidence-inspiring, and I'm satisfied with it, so it's final as far
as I am concerned (modulo bug fixes of course).

As for reliably supporting a simpleFloat-like layout in the placement
hook, I can't think of a way of doing it that wouldn't involve writing a
new Layout and ad-hoc ManageHook combinators, defacing the xmonad core
library with ugly non-general code, breaking a few abstractiomn
barriers, and still having to pray to God that the thing indeed works.
So I'm not going to bother with it for now.

My second patch (floatnext.dpatch) is a simple module I wrote when I
decided to screw floating layouts. It provides keybindings such as
"Float the next spawned window" or "Float all new windows until I hit
the key again".

Hoping someone finds these useful,

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