[xmonad] darcs patch: add SshAgent module, to start ssh-agent when needed.

Matthias Kilian kili at outback.escape.de
Mon Mar 31 16:47:46 EDT 2008

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 07:35:19AM -0700, David Roundy wrote:
> > I wonder if this can not be solved outside xmonad ??? just seems
> > to be out of scope for a window manager. If Jamie's tip works out for
> > you, I think that should not be part of xmonad. (But then, if you think
> > it'd be really useful, go ahead.)
> Perhaps what would be better would be a prompt module to modify xmonad's
> environment at runtime.

Hmmm. Or some way to "plug" a shell script that's executed instead
of xmonad when you hit mod-q?

For example, assume there's some magic that looks for
~/.xmonad/xmonad-wrapper first and, if it exists and is executable,
execs this instead of /usr/local/bin/xmonad or ~/.xmonad/xmonad-$ARCH-$OS.

Then you could write ~/.xmonad/xmonad-wrapper like this:

	eval $(ssh-agent -s)
	exec xmonad "$@"

I'm a lazy slacker, so no patch, but from what I remember, the code
restarting xmonad on mod-q isn't too complicated, and this may be
a one- or two-liner.

> Jamie's approach isn't truly general: if anything
> happens to that ssh-agent, then you're up the creek without a paddle.

Little bit OT, but did this *ever* happen to you?


>> If you want to send mail, use sendmail. ;-)
> Und wenn es fix gehen soll?
If you want something to fix, use postfix? ;-)
		-- Ralf Döblitz und Thomas Bliesener 

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