[xmonad] Still trying to get Gnome + Xmonad Working

Jevin Maltais jevin at techie.com
Sat Mar 29 10:38:16 EDT 2008

Hi guys!

Thanks to those who updated the Xmonad+Gnome wiki page.  I'm still
having issues getting them to play nice together.

I'm building from darcs as I'd like to play around with extending EWMH
to work with the workspace panel applet.  The issue is that all the
windows seem to pile on top of each other on the top left corner.
I've tried using the defaultGaps setting just to see if xmonad will
shift itself down below the gnome-panel but it doesn't.  It stays
overtop of it.  Initally: .gnomerc was set to exec /usr/bin/xmonad,
but since I'm building from darcs in my home dir, I believe it should
be ~/jevin/.xmonad/xmonad.  So it seems that xmonad doesn't seem to be
using the config (based on defaultGaps not working) where should it be
pointed to?

Anyways, any pointers are appreciated:
darcs is built in ~/darcs/xmonad

export WINDOW_MANAGER=~/.xmonad/xmonad

import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops

myLogHook :: X ()
myLogHook = do ewmhDesktopsLogHook
               return ()

main = xmonad $ defaultConfig
                { borderWidth      = 2
                , manageHook       = manageDocks
                , workspaces       = map show [1 .. 5 :: Int]
                , logHook          = myLogHook
                , layoutHook       = avoidStruts (tall ||| Mirror tall ||| Full)
              where tall = Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)


Jevin Maltais [jevin at techie.com]

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