[xmonad] Re: Floating gnome-do
Tom Thorne
pandabears21 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 12:50:47 EDT 2008
Aha! I didn't realise doIgnore would also cause it to float.
It turns out that resource =? Do.exe that I copied from someone else's
xmonad.hs was incorrect for my installation and so the gnome-do window
was still tiling.
it should have been resource =? "Do" -->doIgnore, it now works perfectly
Thank you very much!
On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Daniel Spoonhower <spoons at cmu.edu> wrote:
> If you haven't found it yet, this documentation might be helpful:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/xmonad-contrib/0.7/doc/html/XMonad-Doc-Extending.html#15
> "doIgnore" tells XMonad not to do any management of Gnome Do. This is what
> you want -- you don't want any tiling, window borders, title bars, etc. for
> Do. (At least, I assume this is what you want -- this is the way I have Do
> set up.)
> When you say "didn't work" do you mean that the global key binding doesn't
> work? Or that the Do window pops up in a strange place? Or some other
> problem?
> --spoons
> Tom Thorne wrote:
>> Sorry gmail decided to send my email while I was halfway through
>> writing it - I tried using xprop and the WM_CLASS output is something
>> like /usr/lib/gnome-do/Do.exe for both the resource and class names.
>> Adding class =? "/usr/lib/gnome-do/Do.exe" --> doFloat didn't work..
>> can I add doFloat to the Do.exe -> doIgnore in my xmonad.hs somehow
>> (Do.exe -> doIgnore is also for gnomedo, no idea what it does but it
>> was mentioned in another post i found on this list and is needed for
>> the key presses to work I think)
>> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Braden Shepherdson
>> <Braden.Shepherdson at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tom Thorne wrote:
>>>> I've been trying to get a floating gnome-do without much success, I've
>>>> never programmed haskell before so i'm just cutting and pasting other
>>>> peoples xmonad.hs together!
>>>> this is what my xmonad.hs looks like (I don't have a haskell mode for
>>>> emacs either hence the no doubt hideous indentation)
>>>> import XMonad
>>>> import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
>>>> import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
>>>> main = dzen $ \x -> xmonad $x
>>>> {
>>>> terminal = "terminal"
>>>> , focusedBorderColor = "blue"
>>>> , manageHook = myMHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig
>>>> , layoutHook = avoidStruts $ layoutHook defaultConfig
>>>> }
>>>> myMHook = composeAll . concat $
>>>> [
>>>> [manageDocks],
>>>> [resource =? "Do.exe" --> doIgnore,
>>>> title =? "Downloads" --> doFloat
>>>> ]
>>>> ]
>>>> Obviously this doesnt work
>>> I don't have Gnome so I can't just check it, but here's how you find the
>>> names used for a ManageHook. Run the app you want to check, then run
>>> xprop
>>> in a terminal. Click on the app's window, and then examine the output
>>> from
>>> xprop. About ten lines up the bottom will be a line like this:
>>> WM_CLASS(STRING) = "gecko", "Thunderbird-bin"
>>> The first field, "gecko", is the resource name, the second is the class
>>> name. So I could write a ManageHook for Thunderbird like this:
>>> resource =? "gecko" --> doFloat
>>> or like this
>>> class =? "Thunderbird-bin" --> doFloat
>>> Class names are usually better than resource names, as they tend to be
>>> unique more often.
>>> Braden Shepherdson
>>> shepheb
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