[Xmonad] Removing the X11-extras dependency

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Tue Oct 30 15:38:03 EDT 2007

> Don Stewart wrote:
> >I'm about to remove the X11-extras dependency, by merging it 
> >into the main X11 library for Haskell.
> >
> >Could people test that the new X11 snapshot builds on their 
> >machines?
> >
> >    http://galois.com/~dons/X11-1.3.0.tar.gz
> does the new version number follow the new/proposed PVP (package 
> versioning policy), and should it?  (that is, if there are only 
> additions to the API, probably only the third part is incremented? are 
> there any other changes here?)


    "if only new bindings, types or classes were added to the interface,
    then A.B may remain the same but the new C must be greater than the
    old C."
However, this is a big change, so bumping A.B has been done. And
1.3.0 > 1.2.3, so that's fine, according to


Thanks for raising this.

-- Don

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