[Xmonad] Freeze for 0.4

Xiao-Yong Jin xj2106 at columbia.edu
Fri Oct 19 20:57:15 EDT 2007

Xiao-Yong Jin <xj2106 at columbia.edu> writes:

> I'm not sure if it indeed is a bug, or is just a failure of
> understanding xmonad.  Could someone verify this?
> I think that the use of `adjust' in line 63 of file
> Operations.hs should put any floating window in the center
> of a screen if it is larger than the size of the screen.
> But it's not doing that right now.
I should add my observation of "xpdf -fullscreen".  "xpdf"
has its dirty hacked "fullscreen" mode, in which it adjusts
the size of the displaying area to be the same size as your
screen, and it requests to be displayed in such a way that
its borders and control buttons are all off-screen, so you
don't see it.  I think this behaviour satisfies the condition of
that `adjust' function, since

    x + wid > 1 || y + h > 1

so the window will be put in the center according to

    W.RationalRect (0.5 - wid/2) (0.5 - h/2) wid h

but it doesn't happens.  Where am I wrong about this?

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