[xmonad] new contrib modules in XMonad.Prompt

Brent Yorgey byorgey at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 12:29:14 EST 2007

Hi all,

I just pushed a few new contrib modules and wanted to highlight them here in
case anyone might find them useful, or think of something interesting to do
with them.  Basically, I just discovered the excellent
XMonad.Promptframework and have been playing around with it.

* The first is XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile, which simply provides a prompt for
you to type a single line of text which should be appended to a file.  I use
it for quickly writing down notes/reminders/todos that pop into my head into
a special file, when I don't want to interrupt whatever else I'm doing.  You
could also use it for, say, writing a new xmonad contrib module
line-by-line, although I don't recommend it. =)

* The next is (IMO) the most interesting, XMonad.Prompt.Input.  It provides
a nice, modular way to build actions which require user input, using the
existing prompt system to get the user input.  I also refactored
XMonad.Prompt a bit to make this possible.

* XMonad.Prompt.Email is a simple example of the sort of thing that's
possible with XMonad.Prompt.Input; it prompts the user for a recipient, a
subject, and a short (one-line) body, and sends an e-mail via the GNU 'mail'

Comments, suggestions, and (especially) patches welcome!

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