[Xmonad] xmobar 0.8-rc1

Hans Philipp Annen hpa at gmx.li
Sat Nov 3 12:16:52 EDT 2007


thanks! The PipeReader-Plugin is perfect, before I used an ugly
combination of dzen and xmobar. 

Xrandr-support for resolution changes works without a glitch, however I
cannot test rotations since my hardware does not support it.

One suggestion: it may be useful to be able to combine position=Bottom or Top with
a width smaller than the screen width: One way to do it would be to
use X geometry-like syntax for the position, that is 
ypos=-1 means Bottom, xpos=-1, Right and so on.
I think this would be a more elegant solution...

Anyway, thanks for this great app :)

Hans Philipp

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