[Xmonad] Howtos wanted: Configuring xmonad with display managers
Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Jun 3 03:01:11 EDT 2007
> 02.06.2007 ? 12:01:34 -0600 Jason Creighton ???????:
> > Is anybody running [xgk]dm with xmonad? If so, how? Please post your
> > answer here, stating what distro you're running (is anybody running
> > xmonad on something other than Linux?) and we'll compile the answers and
> > put them up on the webpage. Or maybe there needs to be an xmonad wiki or
> > something.
> I am running xmonad on Debian with xdm from ~/.xsession which contains:
> #!/bin/zsh
> if [ -d ~/bin ]; then
> PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
> export PATH
> fi
> xmodmap -e 'add mod4 = Super_L' -e 'add mod4 = Super_R'
> (xscreensaver&)
> (emacs&)
> (urxvt&)
> exec xmonad
> Also, xmonad does not properly handle its children exiting, so I have
> to start programs as "(urxvt&)" instead of "urxvt&" to prevent them
> from becoming zombies (or I could just remove "exec").
Oh hmm. That sounds like a bug report.
-- Don
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