[Xmonad] XMonadContrib: Tabbed layout bugs

Geoffrey Alan Washburn geoffw at cis.upenn.edu
Thu Jul 5 14:52:56 EDT 2007

Hi, I have been noticing a few bugs with the contributed Tabbed layout

(1) Sometimes the tabs will be drawn on top of floating windows.  I 
think this only happens when a floating window is opened in a location 
that overlaps with a tab, but I haven't found a systematic way of 
testing this.

(2) The text in tabs does not properly handle Unicode. I am assuming my 
applications, for example Firefox, are using UTF8 in their title 
strings. In such cases the tab is simply blank.  This occurs regardless 
of whether TabbedLayout is configured with a font that contains the 
offending glyph or not.  The expected behavior when the font does not 
have the glyph would be to use a blank or box like many other 
applications do.

(3) This is more of an enhancement, but it would be very useful to be 
able to specify XFT fonts in addition to "classical" X11 fonts for tabs.

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