[xmonad] gnome-panel not seen as dock?

Jevin Maltais jevin at techie.com
Mon Dec 31 10:50:28 EST 2007

Now we're closer: the config compiles and now we're in gnome with
xmonad as the WM.  I know this because I can roll the mouse over a
window and it will receive the focus (not normal metacity behavior).
Also, the windows have no titlebar.

The issue is when I start say, firefox, it gets put in the top left
corner _over top_ of the gnome-panel.  Also, firefox didn't launch
into fullscreen which is normal xmonad behavior if I run it alone.
alt-j and alt-k don't work so it looks like I'm halfway there?  I
looked at the keyboard shortcuts in gnome and there doesn't seem to be

I'm debating throwing out gnome and just using dzen but I'd rather use gnome.

Sorry about being a nag,

On Dec 31, 2007 5:07 AM, Andrea Rossato <mailing_list at istitutocolli.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 31, 2007 at 11:04:33AM +0100, Andrea Rossato wrote:
> > import XMonad
> > import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
> >
> > port XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
> >
> > main = xmonad $ defaultConfig
> >                   { borderWidth      = 3
> >                   , manageHook       = manageDocks
> >                   , layoutHook       = avoidStruts (tall ||| Mirror tall)
> >                   }
> >                 where tall = Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)
> >
> > hope this helps.
> sorry for my cut and paste... I meant:
> import XMonad
> import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
> main = xmonad $ defaultConfig
>                   { borderWidth      = 3
>                   , manageHook       = manageDocks
>                   , layoutHook       = avoidStruts (tall ||| Mirror tall)
>                   }
>                 where tall = Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)
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Jevin Maltais [jevin at techie.com]

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