[xmonad] xmonad user survey!

David Benbennick dbenbenn at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 17:26:08 EST 2007

On 12/22/07, Don Stewart <dons at galois.com> wrote:
>     * What things are missing?
>     * What things do you     miss from ion/wmii/dwm/compiz

I used to use WindowMaker.  When I switch workspaces, WindowMaker
shows the new workspace name for a second in the middle of the screen,
then fades it out.

In XMonad, I often get lost, and don't know what workspace I'm in
(since I use Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right to switch more than Alt-1/2/3).  I'd
love to have XMonad briefly flash the workspace name when switching

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