[xmonad] Trouble with multiple screens and Nvidia drivers

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Fri Dec 14 01:57:18 EST 2007

> On Fri, 2007/12/14 00:41:22 +0000, Jamie Webb wrote:
> > Yes. Each screen shows a different workspace and can
> > switch between workspaces independently. When you type
> > alt-1 etc., that workspace is pulled onto the currently
> > focused screen. If the workspace you want to change to is
> > already visible on the other screen, XMonad swaps it with
> > your current workspace.
> Even though I’ve been using xmonad for a couple months, I’m
> still not completely comfortable with greedy workspace
> switching. It seems somehow wrong to me. Is it possible to
> configure xmonad to revert to the old style of switching (or
> what I think the old style is; I converted to xmonad after
> the 0.3 release with greedy switching) where pressing Mod+#
> for a visible workspace would be equivalent to Mod+[WER]? Or
> possibly have a different set of workspaces for each screen,
> so that Mod+7 on screen 0 would pull up a different
> workspace than Mod+7 on screen 1*? Both at work and at home,
> my two screens have different resolutions and
> workspace-swapping is sometimes unpleasant.
> * Displaying the current screen configuration in dzen or
> xmobar could be difficult, though. I known’t enough about
> how log hooks work in xmonad 0.5.

the dzen logHook stuff is already set up to show current, visible and
hidden screens in the status bar, to make it really easy to see 
the current mapping from screens to workspaces.

See Eric's config file and screenshot:


(note the visible and current marked screens)

and a fairly fancy config file,

the essence of whcih is,

    logHook            = dynamicLogWithPP $ myPP din

     myPP h = defaultPP
              { ppCurrent  = dzenColor "white" "#cd8b00" . pad
              , ppVisible  = dzenColor "white" "#666666" . pad
              , ppHidden   = dzenColor "black" "#cccccc" . pad

so yep.  dynamicLogWithPP with seperate colours for current, visible and

We'll continue to improve and simplify the status bar mechanisms.

-- don

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