[xmonad] Tabbed Layout

Dominik Bruhn dominik at dbruhn.de
Wed Dec 12 11:05:40 EST 2007

I got two questions:

First the more general one:
Serveal weeks ago here was a overviewpage with some modules and
screenshots. Currently I can only find the haddok text, but there are no
screenshots. I think the screenshots were quite usefull for beginners.
Sometimes you can't realy imagine what a module/plugin does.

The second one:
Is there a possibility to add the tabbed-layout not to the whole
workspace to maintain the tiled-layout and add the tabs to each of the
small windows. More like ion (:/) does it. Does anybody understand what
Im thinking about?

Thanks a lot!
Dominik Bruhn
mailto: dominik at dbruhn.de
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