[web-devel] Web wiki page

John Lenz jlenz2 at math.uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 8 23:51:53 CEST 2010


The past few days I have been investigating the various options for web 
programming in Haskell and when I first started looking it was pretty 
confusing.  The existing wiki pages weren't really organised to help a 
newcomer see the various options and which libraries are supposed to 
work together, since the existing wiki pages basically just list of all 
the libraries and frameworks.

So I edited the Web page on the wiki to list the various options, each 
of which contain pointers to the various libraries which are meant to 
work together.

I would appreciate help completing the page (any options I didn't list?) 
since I have only been looking at the various options for a couple of 
days now.


PS: I haven't picked which option I will use for my website yet, still 
evaluating.  But having a list of options is helpful.

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