[web-devel] Re: ANN: Salvia-1.0.0

Gour gour at gour-nitai.com
Sun Mar 21 12:41:26 EDT 2010

On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 17:07:01 +0100
>>>>>> "Sebastiaan" == <sfvisser at cs.uu.nl> wrote:

Sebastiaan> Straight from Zurihac: I'm very pleased to announce the
Sebastiaan> 1.0.0 release of the Salvia web server.

Congrats for the "new kid on the haskell's web block". :-)

Sebastiaan> Salvia is a feature rich web server and web application
Sebastiaan> framework that can be used to write dynamic websites in
Sebastiaan> Haskell. From the lower level protocol code up to the high
Sebastiaan> level application code, everything is written as a Salvia
Sebastiaan> handler. This approach makes the framework extremely
Sebastiaan> modular and extensible.

Am I right, that it uses its own protocol, i.e. no WAI?

Sebastiaan>  * salvia-demo: Demo servers showing how to use Salvia.

Is there some docs available besides the above package?

Sebastiaan> Most of the basic ideas of the previous Salvia release are
Sebastiaan> still in these package, but all the code has been cleaned
Sebastiaan> up considerably. There is now a very strong separation
Sebastiaan> between interface and implementation making it more easy to
Sebastiaan> plug-in new back-ends for your web application.

Any info how much resources it requires, i.e. is it in the category of
Happs or one can deploy it on shared hosting?

Does it play with other servers as proxy?

Any support for database back-end?

Sebastiaan> Thanks to the people that helped me with coding,
Sebastiaan> suggestions and bug-reports. Any comments/suggestions are
Sebastiaan> welcome!

Excuse me for maybe dumb questions, but I'd like to hear more before
venturing into installing several apps.



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: F96FF5F6
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