[web-devel] [BUG] in WAI definition

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 06:23:59 EST 2009

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Manlio Perillo
<manlio_perillo at libero.it> wrote:
> Johan Tibell ha scritto:
> I have noted that there is a WAI module in your Hyena web application
> server.
> http://github.com/tibbe/hyena
> I think that, instead, WAI should be defined in a separate package, that
> should contain:
> 1) WAI specification
> 2) WAI data types (hyena.Network.Wai.hs)
> 3) Some utility functions (see Python wsgiref module)
> 4) Standard implementation for CGI

I agree. This has been my plan all along. I put the definition in the
same package as Hyena because I wanted to use Hyena to explore the API
and it was more convenient to do so when all the files were in the
same package.

> One last note.
> I have some doubts about the name WAI.
> It means "Web application interface", but I think that the word "Gateway"
> should appear in it.

I don't have a strong attachment to the name. I'm not sure what the
word "gateway" means in this context, probably because I haven't
studied CGI in depth.

> Something like:
> HSGI ("Haskell Server Gataway Interface", that can also be read as "HTTP
> Server Gataway Interface"), or simply HGI ("Haskell Gateway Interface").

These all sound like reasonable names.



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