[Template-haskell] Contexts on Datatype - question/bug?
Derek Elkins
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:00:28 -0500
Datatypes can take contexts. Currently TH dies if you try to reifyDecl a
datatype with a context e.g.
import Language.Haskell.THSyntax (runQ)
data (Eq a) => Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
main = do output <- runQ $ reifyDecl Tree
putStr $ show output
will cause the impossible to happen.
I went in and changed DsMeta.hs to pass the cxt for reifyDecl (repTyClD for
case TyData), which kept the impossible from happening, but then realized
(at least partially) why it wasn't there before. THSyntax.Data doesn't
support contexts.
Except that a diagnostic rather than death would be preferable, is this an
omission, on a todo list, or purposely left out? Also, is there a todo-list
somewhere or a document with a fairly comprehensive listing of how far along
the implementation is and known bugs?
On a side note: why not toss up a TH page on the Haskell wiki, especially if
the answer to my second question is no?
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