[reactive] switching events = space leak?

Peter Verswyvelen bugfact at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 15:16:58 CET 2013

Hi Don,

Although I haven't followed FRP research for years, you might want to
read the ELM paper, it might explain some of your questions:



Best regards,
Peter Verswyvelen

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Don Vincenze <don at tr80.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is this list still alive ...
> I am trying to learn the theory of FRP by reading the code of this
> "reactive" library and Yampa. Not trying to get anything to actually
> work here, analyzing implementations of the theory only serve to assess
> the viability of it all. I.e. apart from bugs, is it stable, does it
> scale?
> For starters I'm worried about space leaks in switching events, e.g. see
> the "Event of Events" that's the input to switchE. Those events are
> lists that get produced by input producers but not consumed until
> they're being switched into, is that right? So during this time of
> producing but not consuming the list just grows = there is a space leak?
> This is made a bit clearer in the book "The Haskell School of
> Expression", chapter 15, which as I understand describes the
> implementation of Yampa, not "reactive". However there isn't a
> difference between the two in that respect as far as I can read the
> code, or is there? Such as space leak would not just be a bug but would
> need some design rework.
> Don
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