Takeover / Comaintainership of Selda

Sven Panne svenpanne at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 20:33:14 UTC 2021

Am Mi., 17. Feb. 2021 um 21:19 Uhr schrieb Thomas DuBuisson <
thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com>:

> I know, right?  I thought I addressed that - happy to wait a few weeks to
> see if the maintainer comes back on line (that makes it well over a month)
> [...]

Regardless of how urgent issues might be for you, I think that a lag of "a
few weeks" is totally fine for any project out there maintained by somebody
who does this in his spare time. You can be on a longer vacation, be ill
for a few weeks, have something urgent things in your family/"real" work,
and when you come back you suddenly have a co-maintainer you perhaps don't
want? Have a release with some fixes perhaps going in the wrong direction?
I would be extremely annoyed by such actions, and I'm sure I'm not alone
with this. Doing such harsh measures in such a short time span is probably
doing the project more harm than good.

If you really need a fix quickly, just fork the project and build from
there for a while... Note: The last release of the packages in question is
not even a month ago.
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