‘temporary’ takeover

Mateusz Kowalczyk fuuzetsu at fuuzetsu.co.uk
Wed Jul 22 10:06:51 UTC 2015


I'm looking to take over the ‘temporary’ package. This is to address the
issue of any patches/fixes into ‘temporary’ not being merged in a timely
manner[1]. This caused Roman Cheplyaka to create a fork package,
‘temporary-rc’. It's less than ideal to have some packages use temporary
and others use temporary-rc (PackageImports needed…) so this is in
attempt to bring back temporary as the one true package to use here and
let the fork fall into obscurity, preferably deprecated.

The main user of temporary-rc is the popular tasty package which is
Roman's. If me/him/us both/someone (reliable/available) can take over
temporary, he seems to be willing to go back to using that instead of
the fork[2].

CCing the current maintainer. I think until Monday (27th) is a fair
notice though I point out more time elapsed on [1] without a reply.

[1]: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2014-May/022958.html
[2]: https://github.com/feuerbach/temporary/issues/1

Mateusz K.

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