Drastic Prelude changes imminent

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Tue Jan 27 20:36:34 UTC 2015

On Tue, 27 Jan 2015, Christopher Allen wrote:

> This has been the experience of many (not all) beginners I've worked with as well.
> Confusion with redundancy more often than the concept embedded in the polymorphic version. It should be said
> that Functor is usually a titch easier to learn for new people than Foldable or Traversable even if they're
> not complicated to experienced Haskellers.

When we discussed beginner experiences last time I was already surprised 
how easy learning Haskell was for many of you ... However when I look at 
Hackage there is much code using explicit recursion instead of calling 
'foldl' or even 'map'. This indicates to me that even List.map and 
List.foldl is too much of abstraction for many Haskell beginners.

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