Drastic Prelude changes imminent

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 17:44:29 UTC 2015

> now instead of 2¢. (My chief concern is how it affects newcomers to Haskell,
> which is admittedly a different concern than others have expressed. It may
> be worth noting that my concern was addressed by suggesting newcomers use
> the `haskell2010` package... which is now defunct, due to fallout from the
> AMP.)

The haskell2010 package has always been unusable. Initially haskell98
reexposed a subset of base, and they worked together. Then some of the
modules were cloned and tweaked, and any time I put them in the same
package it all went terribly wrong.

I also have concerns about beginners, but it's clear everyone has
radically different opinions about what is good or bad for beginners.

I raised my concerns as soon as I found out about the changes (October
2014), argued my case, made a few blog posts, but seemingly lost. At
that point, much like Simon Marlow, I decided to live with it. I have
a feeling we might rehash the same discussion every time a new larger
set of people find out about the changes, especially as those people
are less likely to be connected to the cutting edge of libraries

Thanks, Neil

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