Discussion: adding displayException to Exception class

Tobias Florek haskell at ibotty.net
Thu Oct 30 10:00:51 UTC 2014

Quoting Christopher Done (2014-10-29 23:07:54)
> Well, I think fromList [(1, 'a')] is kind of unhelpful:
>  1. It almost never is a straight copy/paste, you will have to go and add M. to
>     the fromList.

Chris Done is hinting at a shortcoming to the usage of `Show` in the sense
of Jeremy Shaw's ShowExpr: It does not support qualified imports at all.

It might be nice to append a `My.Module` to each function in `show`'s
output whenever a module is meant to be imported qualified. There might
be some heuristics on when that's the case (hiding parts of `Prelude`),
but that's certainly something only the compiler (or TH) can do.

 tobias florek

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