[core libraries] Re: Discussion: adding displayException to Exception class
Edward Kmett
ekmett at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 01:30:14 UTC 2014
My experience is that whenever someone writes a "helpful" Show instance it
winds up anything but.
What happens when you print a list of them, or they occur deeper in a
larger structure?
Invariably I wind up with things like a bag of your exceptions in an async
exception wrapper or someone's position type in my data structure -- I
first noticed this when I was working with parsec.
I'd stick source positions in my data types, but Parsec was helpful:
instance Show SourcePos where show (SourcePos name line column) |
null name = showLineColumn | otherwise = "\"" ++ name ++ "\" " ++
showLineColumn where showLineColumn = "(line " ++ show line
++ ", column " ++ show column ++
.. and with that now users can't made hide nor hair out of syntax tree
terms, etc.
"Helpful" Show instances are not compositional.
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 9:22 PM, Niklas Hambüchen <mail at nh2.me> wrote:
> > 1. Serialisation (use Binary)
> > 2. Copy-pasteable into Haskell source file, but not necessarily
> > human-readable (Show)
> > 3. Human readable (Display)
> I agree a lot to this.
> While for Simon 2 doesn't seem to be useful, Show representing the
> Haskell value and its structure as much as possible is super useful when
> debugging business logic code, especially when it was written by other
> people years ago.
> It's rarely done, but when you actually do use ghci with break points,
> Show is a very useful (and necessary) tool to see what's in your values,
> and you wish every type had a Show instance - even better if it's a
> derived one.
> IMO, using Show for pretty printing defeats a lot of the above purpose,
> and thus I welcome any effort to separate Show and Display things (so +1).
> Yes, sometimes the Show instances aren't as nice as we would like them
> to be (e.g. fromList for Sets as Chris mentioned), but despite these
> unhappy cases, the debugging/programmer oriented nature of Show seems
> fundamental to me.
> There seems to be full consensus that Show (and any String based
> functionality) isn't a good idea for "serialisation as part of the
> program functionality". We just have to be careful to distinguish this
> from "serialisation for the programmer/debugging", since when people say
> just "serialisation" they can mean either.
> Regarding Jeremy's proposed rules for Read/Show, I would put them in
> different order:
> 1. the Show instance should always come as close to valid Haskell
> as possible
> 2. if it is possible to write a Read instance, write (best derive)
> one, otherwise don't (e.g. if your thing contains IORefs)
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