Gearing up (again) for the next release: 2014.2.0.0

Jens Petersen juhp at
Thu Apr 3 01:09:52 UTC 2014

On 31 March 2014 05:06, Mark Lentczner <mark.lentczner at> wrote:

> *Haddock* - is there any reason not to use the version built and
> distributed with GHC 7.8?

from the package perspective also, +1 for continuing to use the haddock in

*shipped with GHC, but not registered in pkg-db, yet possible useful to
> include in platform:*
>         - haskeline-
>         - terminfo-
>         - xhtml-3000.2.1 -- already in platform, but HP re-builds it...
> seems silly
I would like to see ghc shipping these libs registered.

*hscolour* - never approved as part of platform, but we use it to generate
> the haddock in both GHC and the Platform - shouldn't we just include it?


I actually wish it could be included in ghc too, next to haddock.

> aeson
> dlist (needed by aeson, which version?)
Sounds good to me. I am all for more libraries in Platform.

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