Proposal: Replace Text.Printf with extensible, complete version
Joachim Breitner
mail at
Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 CEST 2013
Am Dienstag, den 17.09.2013, 01:38 -0700 schrieb Bart Massey:
> If the patch is OK, I think I'll leave things that way for now. In the
> future, I'll try to send a pull request instead.
I get:
"inplace/bin/ghc-stage1" -hisuf hi -osuf o -hcsuf hc -static -H32m -O
-Werror -Wall -H64m -O0 -package-name ghc-7.7.20130917
-hide-all-packages -i -icompiler/basicTypes -icompiler/cmm
-icompiler/codeGen -icompiler/coreSyn -icompiler/deSugar -icompiler/ghci
-icompiler/hsSyn -icompiler/iface -icompiler/llvmGen -icompiler/main
-icompiler/nativeGen -icompiler/parser -icompiler/prelude
-icompiler/profiling -icompiler/rename -icompiler/simplCore
-icompiler/simplStg -icompiler/specialise -icompiler/stgSyn
-icompiler/stranal -icompiler/typecheck -icompiler/types
-icompiler/utils -icompiler/vectorise -icompiler/stage2/build
-icompiler/stage2/build/autogen -Icompiler/stage2/build
-Icompiler/stage2/build/autogen -Icompiler/. -Icompiler/parser
-Icompiler/utils -Icompiler/../rts/dist/build -Icompiler/stage2
-optP-DGHCI -optP-include
-optPcompiler/stage2/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package Cabal-1.18.1
-package array- -package base- -package
bin-package-db- -package bytestring- -package
containers- -package directory- -package filepath-
-package hoopl- -package hpc- -package process-
-package template-haskell- -package time-1.4.1 -package
transformers- -package unix- -Wall
-fno-warn-name-shadowing -XHaskell98 -XCPP -XMagicHash -XUnboxedTuples
-XPatternGuards -XForeignFunctionInterface -XEmptyDataDecls
-XTypeSynonymInstances -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XFlexibleInstances
-XRankNTypes -XScopedTypeVariables -XDeriveDataTypeable -XBangPatterns
-XNondecreasingIndentation -optc-DTHREADED_RTS
-DGHCI_TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -DSTAGE=2 -O2 -fwarn-tabs -fno-warn-amp -O
-dcore-lint -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -odir
compiler/stage2/build -hidir compiler/stage2/build -stubdir
compiler/stage2/build -dynamic-too -c compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs -o
compiler/stage2/build/UniqFM.o -dyno compiler/stage2/build/UniqFM.dyn_o
utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs:1186:9: Warning:
This binding for ‛toField’ shadows the existing binding
imported from ‛Text.Printf’ at utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs:27:1-18
<no location info>:
Failing due to -Werror.
*** Core Lint warnings : in result of Desugar (after optimization) ***
{-# LINE 181 "compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs #-}: Warning:
[RHS of $c/=_a4bO :: forall ele_a2p7.
GHC.Classes.Eq ele_a2p7 =>
UniqFM.UniqFM ele_a2p7 -> UniqFM.UniqFM
ele_a2p7 -> GHC.Types.Bool]
INLINE binder is (non-rule) loop breaker: $c/=_a4bO
make[1]: *** [utils/ghc-pkg/dist-install/build/Main.dyn_o] Fehler 1
make[1]: *** Warte auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse...
make: *** [all] Fehler 2
Maybe you need to use different names to avoid such clashes? Or provide
a patch for ghc-pkg as well. In either case, a validated patch would be
Joachim Breitner
e-Mail: mail at
ICQ#: 74513189
Jabber-ID: nomeata at
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