Making decisions

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at
Fri May 31 10:45:05 CEST 2013

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
> I agree with Ian. Voting has no meaning if the constituency is not 
> properly defined.
> A process in which a maintainer is in charge and makes the decision 
> of whether a proposal has meaningful widespread support and is 
> technically sound has served us well in the past. As Ian wrote,
> [..]
> I don't care whether we call the person in charge maintainer, tsar,
> secretary, or something else. The point is that there is one person
> who makes the final decision, but who listens to and is held
> responsible by the community as a whole. (Instead of one person, it
> may be a small closely cooperating group of people for a large
> artefact.)

Completely agree. When I wrote "vote" I didn't mean a literal vote, but 
the various opinions in the community. It is at the secretary/tsar/...'s 
discretion to weigh the different arguments and turn them into a decision.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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