Proposal: To add 2 new lower-level concurrency constructs and rebuild Concurrent.Chan using them

wren ng thornton wren at
Tue May 8 03:24:38 CEST 2012

On 5/7/12 11:25 AM, Ivan Tomac wrote:
> Proposal:
> 1) split concurrent channels from base into a separate library of
> higher level concurrency primitives
> 2) add concurrent queues to the library of higher level concurrency primitives
> 3) replace concurrent channels with the new implementation based on
> concurrent queues
> 4) add concurrent streams to the library of higher level concurrency primitives

If you do break off a separate library (or resolve the bugs to 
everyone's satisfaction), to the extent possible it'd be nice to see 
non-STM versions of stm-chans[1] provided. I'd be willing to help out 
with that over the summer, though it certainly won't make it into this 
month's HP.


Live well,

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