Proposal: merge either into transformers

Ross Paterson ross at
Sun Dec 9 03:00:54 CET 2012

On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 01:38:59AM +0000, Edward A Kmett wrote:
> I have a prelude-extras package that I use for 'bound' which contains those Eq1, Show1, etc classes. 

OK, then if me move Eq1, Ord1, Show1 and Read1 into transformers with
a bunch of instances we can keep these instances for EitherT (and define
some more).

> (As an unrelated aside bound packages up the generalized de Bruijn indices you did with Hinze as a reusable Haskell 98 monad transformer, you may find it interesting.)

You mean Richard Bird, of course.

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