Proposal #3339: Add (+>) as a synonym for mappend

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Sun Nov 6 22:45:27 CET 2011

On Sun, 2011-11-06 at 17:39 +0000, Duncan Coutts wrote:

> Ian suggests making <> bind tighter than <+>.
> Initially it seems to me slightly odd for <+> to have a different
> precedence to <>, but I can't see any practical problems. So
> specifically that'd be:
> infixr 6 <>  -- from Data.Monoid
> infixr 7 <+> -- in   Text.Pretty
> Can anyone see any problems with this?

Sigh, getting my precedence direction confused. I mean:

infixr 6 <>  -- from Data.Monoid
infixr 5 <+> -- in   Text.Pretty

The point is <> binds tighter than <+>, so that:

a <> empty <+> b  =  (a <> empty) <+> b
a <+> empty <> b  =  a <+> (empty <> b)

> Note that I'm not proposing to change Text.Pretty right now. That can be
> done by the maintainer later. Right now I'm just making the change in
> Data.Monoid in base. But I wanted to check if anything did go wrong with
> Text.Pretty before changing Data.Monoid.

And I take Ian's point that we should adjust the 'pretty' package before
we release ghc-7.4.


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