efficient Bytestring mapM_ for IO/ST?

John Lato jwlato at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 12:36:20 CET 2011

> From: wren ng thornton <wren at freegeek.org>
> On 3/21/11 4:40 PM, Brandon Moore wrote:
> > Is there an efficient way to iterate over the bytes of a ByteString?
> The code I've been using (rather similar to your unsafe map) is:
>     import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI
>     import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr       as FFI
>     foldIO :: (a -> Word8 -> IO a) -> a -> ByteString -> IO a
>     foldIO f z0 (BSI.PS fp off len) =
>         FFI.withForeignPtr fp $ \p0 -> do
>             let q = p0 `plusPtr` (off+len)
>             let go z p
>                     | z `seq` p `seq` False = undefined
>                     | p == q    = return z
>                     | otherwise = do
>                         w  <- peek p
>                         z' <- f z w
>                         go z' (p `plusPtr` 1)
>             go z0 (p0 `plusPtr` off)
>     {-# INLINE foldIO #-}
> Some things to note:
> * It's a left fold rather than a right fold, just like foldM, except
> that we can't generalize it to work for all monads. (We could do a right
> fold just as easily by starting with p0`plusPtr`(off+len) and counting
> down to p0`plusPtr`off if desired.)
> * Because we're just keeping the head pointer, we can increment it as we
> go instead of using peekElemOff. This improves the performance by only
> performing one addition per loop (the p++) instead of two (ix++ and
> *(p+ix)), and by requiring one less register (for ix).

Out of curiosity, do you have measurements that demonstrate improved
performance from this?  When I did some tests with a similar problem, there
was no noticeable difference between the two approaches.  In my case I also
needed the element index though, so it was a slightly different problem.

For the OP, note that 'plusPtr' doesn't do pointer arithmetic, it increments
a ptr by n bytes.  This works for ByteStrings, but if you're generalizing to
arbitrary storables you may prefer to use 'advancePtr', from

John L.
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