Proposal: Better power for Rational

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Sat Sep 25 05:53:20 EDT 2010

Dear Daniel

Thank for your proposals to improve Haskell's numerics.  We have long needed someone who was willing to devote some time and attention to this area.

Can I interest you in a number of open tickets?

 #4101: constant folding for (**)
 #3676: realToFrac conversions
 #3744: comparisons against minBound and maxBound are not optimised away
 #3065: quot is sub-optimal
 #2269: Word type to Double or Float conversions
 #2271: floor, ceiling, round :: Double -> Int are awesomely slow
 #1434: slow conversion Double to Int

All are accessible as, etc.  All need love.



|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: libraries-bounces at [mailto:libraries-bounces at] On Behalf
|  Of Daniel Fischer
|  Sent: 25 September 2010 01:34
|  To: libraries at
|  Subject: Proposal: Better power for Rational
|  Proposal: A better implementation of powers for Rational
|  Discussion period: Three weeks, until 16^th^ October 2010 (ICFP again)

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