Can the Haddock library expose more (then just reading interface files)?

Jürgen Nicklisch-Franken jnf at
Tue Feb 2 17:09:05 EST 2010

Hi David,
Leksah calls createInterfaces and uses the returned Interface,
which means to analyse the HsDecl structure. Leksah wants to know the
type, source position and comment for every exported item.
If you can't expose the modules we need, you will find a haddock-leksah
package on hackage soon, with the original haddock, and only the cabal
file with the added exposed modules. That would be ugly.


Am Dienstag, den 22.12.2009, 19:13 +0100 schrieb David Waern:
> 2009/12/19 jutaro <jnf at>:
> >
> > I've ported part of the Leksah metadata collection to use Haddock.
> > But, now it comes, I have not created another backend, but would like to use
> > Haddock as a
> > library and call "createInterface" directly.
> > So I need to change the exposed-modules section of haddock.cabal file to
> > include:
> > "Haddock.Types Haddock.Interface Haddock.Options"
> > Would that be an acceptable patch for the general release, or do you feel it
> > to be too unhygienic or something?
> There has been some discussion about introducing a full-information
> format that haddock can produce that tools can read. It's not
> something anyone is working on at the moment, though. So while waiting
> for something like that, we could try to work something out. Exporting
> more of Haddock to the outside is a possibility. It would be
> interesting to know which parts of the Interface structure that you're
> after.
> David

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