darcs patch: haskell-x11: add and export the list of cursors

Andres Salomon dilinger at collabora.co.uk
Tue Sep 15 12:00:23 EDT 2009

Tue Sep 15 11:57:08 EDT 2009  Andres Salomon <dilinger at collabora.co.uk>
  * haskell-x11: add and export the list of cursors
  Pulled in from X11/cursorfont.h, export things like xC_X_cursor and
  xC_left_ptr for things like createFontCursor to use.

New patches:

[haskell-x11: add and export the list of cursors
Andres Salomon <dilinger at collabora.co.uk>**20090915155708
 Ignore-this: 995cede8cdd8830a2c0bb6c63b8229b9
 Pulled in from X11/cursorfont.h, export things like xC_X_cursor and
 xC_left_ptr for things like createFontCursor to use.
] {
addfile ./Graphics/X11/Xlib/Cursor.hsc
hunk ./Graphics/X11/Xlib/Cursor.hsc 1
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Graphics.X11.Xlib.Cursor
+-- Copyright   :  (C) Collabora Ltd  2009
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer  :  libraries at haskell.org
+-- Stability   :  provisional
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- A collection of cursor types defined by /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h.
+module Graphics.X11.Xlib.Cursor(
+        xC_X_cursor,
+        xC_arrow,
+        xC_based_arrow_down,
+        xC_based_arrow_up,
+        xC_boat,
+        xC_bogosity,
+        xC_bottom_left_corner,
+        xC_bottom_right_corner,
+        xC_bottom_side,
+        xC_bottom_tee,
+        xC_box_spiral,
+        xC_center_ptr,
+        xC_circle,
+        xC_clock,
+        xC_coffee_mug,
+        xC_cross,
+        xC_cross_reverse,
+        xC_crosshair,
+        xC_diamond_cross,
+        xC_dot,
+        xC_dotbox,
+        xC_double_arrow,
+        xC_draft_large,
+        xC_draft_small,
+        xC_draped_box,
+        xC_exchange,
+        xC_fleur,
+        xC_gobbler,
+        xC_gumby,
+        xC_hand1,
+        xC_hand2,
+        xC_heart,
+        xC_icon,
+        xC_iron_cross,
+        xC_left_ptr,
+        xC_left_side,
+        xC_left_tee,
+        xC_leftbutton,
+        xC_ll_angle,
+        xC_lr_angle,
+        xC_man,
+        xC_mouse,
+        xC_pencil,
+        xC_pirate,
+        xC_plus,
+        xC_question_arrow,
+        xC_right_ptr,
+        xC_right_side,
+        xC_right_tee,
+        xC_rightbutton,
+        xC_rtl_logo,
+        xC_sailboat,
+        xC_sb_down_arrow,
+        xC_sb_h_double_arrow,
+        xC_sb_left_arrow,
+        xC_sb_right_arrow,
+        xC_sb_up_arrow,
+        xC_sb_v_double_arrow,
+        xC_shuttle,
+        xC_sizing,
+        xC_spider,
+        xC_spraycan,
+        xC_star,
+        xC_target,
+        xC_tcross,
+        xC_top_left_arrow,
+        xC_top_left_corner,
+        xC_top_right_corner,
+        xC_top_side,
+        xC_top_tee,
+        xC_trek,
+        xC_ul_angle,
+        xC_umbrella,
+        xC_ur_angle,
+        xC_watch,
+        xC_xterm,
+        ) where
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Font
+-- Cursors
+#include "HsXlib.h"
+xC_X_cursor             :: Glyph
+xC_X_cursor             = #const XC_X_cursor
+xC_arrow                :: Glyph
+xC_arrow                = #const XC_arrow
+xC_based_arrow_down     :: Glyph
+xC_based_arrow_down     = #const XC_based_arrow_down
+xC_based_arrow_up       :: Glyph
+xC_based_arrow_up       = #const XC_based_arrow_up
+xC_boat                 :: Glyph
+xC_boat                 = #const XC_boat
+xC_bogosity             :: Glyph
+xC_bogosity             = #const XC_bogosity
+xC_bottom_left_corner   :: Glyph
+xC_bottom_left_corner   = #const XC_bottom_left_corner
+xC_bottom_right_corner  :: Glyph
+xC_bottom_right_corner  = #const XC_bottom_right_corner
+xC_bottom_side          :: Glyph
+xC_bottom_side          = #const XC_bottom_side
+xC_bottom_tee           :: Glyph
+xC_bottom_tee           = #const XC_bottom_tee
+xC_box_spiral           :: Glyph
+xC_box_spiral           = #const XC_box_spiral
+xC_center_ptr           :: Glyph
+xC_center_ptr           = #const XC_center_ptr
+xC_circle               :: Glyph
+xC_circle               = #const XC_circle
+xC_clock                :: Glyph
+xC_clock                = #const XC_clock
+xC_coffee_mug           :: Glyph
+xC_coffee_mug           = #const XC_coffee_mug
+xC_cross                :: Glyph
+xC_cross                = #const XC_cross
+xC_cross_reverse        :: Glyph
+xC_cross_reverse        = #const XC_cross_reverse
+xC_crosshair            :: Glyph
+xC_crosshair            = #const XC_crosshair
+xC_diamond_cross        :: Glyph
+xC_diamond_cross        = #const XC_diamond_cross
+xC_dot                  :: Glyph
+xC_dot                  = #const XC_dot
+xC_dotbox               :: Glyph
+xC_dotbox               = #const XC_dotbox
+xC_double_arrow         :: Glyph
+xC_double_arrow         = #const XC_double_arrow
+xC_draft_large          :: Glyph
+xC_draft_large          = #const XC_draft_large
+xC_draft_small          :: Glyph
+xC_draft_small          = #const XC_draft_small
+xC_draped_box           :: Glyph
+xC_draped_box           = #const XC_draped_box
+xC_exchange             :: Glyph
+xC_exchange             = #const XC_exchange
+xC_fleur                :: Glyph
+xC_fleur                = #const XC_fleur
+xC_gobbler              :: Glyph
+xC_gobbler              = #const XC_gobbler
+xC_gumby                :: Glyph
+xC_gumby                = #const XC_gumby
+xC_hand1                :: Glyph
+xC_hand1                = #const XC_hand1
+xC_hand2                :: Glyph
+xC_hand2                = #const XC_hand2
+xC_heart                :: Glyph
+xC_heart                = #const XC_heart
+xC_icon                 :: Glyph
+xC_icon                 = #const XC_icon
+xC_iron_cross           :: Glyph
+xC_iron_cross           = #const XC_iron_cross
+xC_left_ptr             :: Glyph
+xC_left_ptr             = #const XC_left_ptr
+xC_left_side            :: Glyph
+xC_left_side            = #const XC_left_side
+xC_left_tee             :: Glyph
+xC_left_tee             = #const XC_left_tee
+xC_leftbutton           :: Glyph
+xC_leftbutton           = #const XC_leftbutton
+xC_ll_angle             :: Glyph
+xC_ll_angle             = #const XC_ll_angle
+xC_lr_angle             :: Glyph
+xC_lr_angle             = #const XC_lr_angle
+xC_man                  :: Glyph
+xC_man                  = #const XC_man
+xC_middlebutton         :: Glyph
+xC_middlebutton         = #const XC_middlebutton
+xC_mouse                :: Glyph
+xC_mouse                = #const XC_mouse
+xC_pencil               :: Glyph
+xC_pencil               = #const XC_pencil
+xC_pirate               :: Glyph
+xC_pirate               = #const XC_pirate
+xC_plus                 :: Glyph
+xC_plus                 = #const XC_plus
+xC_question_arrow       :: Glyph
+xC_question_arrow       = #const XC_question_arrow
+xC_right_ptr            :: Glyph
+xC_right_ptr            = #const XC_right_ptr
+xC_right_side           :: Glyph
+xC_right_side           = #const XC_right_side
+xC_right_tee            :: Glyph
+xC_right_tee            = #const XC_right_tee
+xC_rightbutton          :: Glyph
+xC_rightbutton          = #const XC_rightbutton
+xC_rtl_logo             :: Glyph
+xC_rtl_logo             = #const XC_rtl_logo
+xC_sailboat             :: Glyph
+xC_sailboat             = #const XC_sailboat
+xC_sb_down_arrow        :: Glyph
+xC_sb_down_arrow        = #const XC_sb_down_arrow
+xC_sb_h_double_arrow    :: Glyph
+xC_sb_h_double_arrow    = #const XC_sb_h_double_arrow
+xC_sb_left_arrow        :: Glyph
+xC_sb_left_arrow        = #const XC_sb_left_arrow
+xC_sb_right_arrow       :: Glyph
+xC_sb_right_arrow       = #const XC_sb_right_arrow
+xC_sb_up_arrow          :: Glyph
+xC_sb_up_arrow          = #const XC_sb_up_arrow
+xC_sb_v_double_arrow    :: Glyph
+xC_sb_v_double_arrow    = #const XC_sb_v_double_arrow
+xC_shuttle              :: Glyph
+xC_shuttle              = #const XC_shuttle
+xC_sizing               :: Glyph
+xC_sizing               = #const XC_sizing
+xC_spider               :: Glyph
+xC_spider               = #const XC_spider
+xC_spraycan             :: Glyph
+xC_spraycan             = #const XC_spraycan
+xC_star                 :: Glyph
+xC_star                 = #const XC_star
+xC_target               :: Glyph
+xC_target               = #const XC_target
+xC_tcross               :: Glyph
+xC_tcross               = #const XC_tcross
+xC_top_left_arrow       :: Glyph
+xC_top_left_arrow       = #const XC_top_left_arrow
+xC_top_left_corner      :: Glyph
+xC_top_left_corner      = #const XC_top_left_corner
+xC_top_right_corner     :: Glyph
+xC_top_right_corner     = #const XC_top_right_corner
+xC_top_side             :: Glyph
+xC_top_side             = #const XC_top_side
+xC_top_tee              :: Glyph
+xC_top_tee              = #const XC_top_tee
+xC_trek                 :: Glyph
+xC_trek                 = #const XC_trek
+xC_ul_angle             :: Glyph
+xC_ul_angle             = #const XC_ul_angle
+xC_umbrella             :: Glyph
+xC_umbrella             = #const XC_umbrella
+xC_ur_angle             :: Glyph
+xC_ur_angle             = #const XC_ur_angle
+xC_watch                :: Glyph
+xC_watch                = #const XC_watch
+xC_xterm                :: Glyph
+xC_xterm                = #const XC_xterm
+-- End
hunk ./Makefile.nhc98 12
 	Graphics/X11/Xlib/Atom.hsc \
 	Graphics/X11/Xlib/Color.hs \
 	Graphics/X11/Xlib/Context.hs \
+	Graphics/X11/Xlib/Cursor.hsc \
 	Graphics/X11/Xlib/Display.hs \
 	Graphics/X11/Xlib/Event.hsc \
 	Graphics/X11/Xlib/Font.hsc \
hunk ./X11.cabal 31
+	Graphics.X11.Xlib.Cursor,
hunk ./configure.ac 118
     if ! test "$have_keysymdef" = yes; then
         echo "WARNING: Couldn't find <X11/keysymdef.h> for X.org keysyms"
+    AC_CHECK_HEADERS([X11/cursorfont.h], [have_cursorfont=yes])
+    if ! test "$have_cursorfont" = yes; then
+        AC_MSG_ERROR([X11/cursorfont.h (from libx11) is required])
+    fi
hunk ./include/HsXlib.h 40
 #define XK_LATIN1
 #include <X11/keysymdef.h>
+#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
 /* This error handler is used from FFI code.
  * It generates a slightly better error message than the one
  * that comes with Xlib.


[TAG 1.4.5
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20081203050348
 Ignore-this: d8112e4ff25ec56fe5ac2cdc9fa1ead
[Bump version to 1.4.5
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20081203050251
 Ignore-this: 665f8093d82bef9e6b13bf1e4db74e1d
[Bump configure.ac to 1.4.4 as well
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20081203050154
 Ignore-this: ef3fabf26fc7dbfdb6dfaa92073e3c9e
[Fix memory leak in getWMHints
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20081125221512
 Ignore-this: dacc19acbb60e13d945509cde0551bc8
[more precise X11 deps
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20081011211930] 
[TAG 1.4.3
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921082528] 
[Bump version to 1.4.3
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921054954] 
Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20080712154521] 
[X implementation dependent keysyms from X.org
zythmer at gmail.com**20080528004224
 Added all of the X keysyms from X.org except the groups XK_MISCELLANY and
 XK_LATIN1 as well as skipped XK_VoidSymbol since it is not in any group.
 The above groups and symbol are already in Graphics.X11.Types
[Make sure both --with-xinerama and --without-xinerama works
Lennart Kolmodin <kolmodin at gentoo.org>**20080524112224
 Use the builtin variable with_xinerama instead of our want_xinerama.
 This gives us ability to use both --with-xinerama and --without-xinerama.
[Use -auto-all when profiling
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20080413112039] 
[Update configure.ac with new version number
Lennart Kolmodin <kolmodin at gentoo.org>**20080331184021] 
[Add setKeyEvent to Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
Jérémy Bobbio <lunar at debian.org>**20080328214753] 
[TAG 1.4.2
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20080327193813] 
[Bump version number to 1.4.2
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20080327193755] 
[Handle a NULL retrun from XGetWMHints correctly, fixes a segfault bug
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20080327192702] 
[update version info
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20080307190921] 
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20080307190910] 
[Remove -O2 from ghc-options
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20071216001612] 
[TAG 1.4.1
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20071211042441] 
[Bump version to 1.4.1
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20071211042430] 
[Check the return value of XGetWindowProperty, this fixes crash bugs when the requested Window/Property does not exist
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20071211041940] 
[Update installation instructions to use newer Cabal's --configure-option
Alec Berryman <alec at thened.net>**20071120214634] 
[Remove obsolete INSTALL file; installation instructions are in README
Alec Berryman <alec at thened.net>**20071120203353] 
[Remove redundant XIconifyWindow binding
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu>**20071208084849] 
[Added haddock docs to setErrorHandler; added XIconifyWindow and XMapRaised bindings
hoelz at wisc.edu**20071202043806] 
[use a working header file for XSetErrorHandler
Lukas Mai <l.mai at web.de>**20071129174529] 
[Implemented a full binding to XSetErrorHandler
hoelz at wisc.edu**20071127011847] 
[TAG 1.4.0
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071125032528] 
[bump X11 version to 1.4.0
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071125032135] 
[add copyright info and year for Graphics/X11/Xlib/Extras.hsc
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071121024752] 
[bump to snapshot tag
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071111200531] 
[Fix bug in the type of functions dealing with properties
Mats Jansborg <mats at jansb.org>**20071101190154
 The documentation for XGetWindowProperty and XChangeProperty states
 that the data must be represented as an array of char, short and long
 for a format of 8, 16 and 32 respectively. Previously Word8, Word16
 and Word32 were used, resulting in bugs on platforms where char is not
 8 bits, short 16 bits and long 32 bits wide.
[home instead of $USER
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071101212016] 
[space in CPPFLAGS will break .buildinfo file
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071031172720] 
[add CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to buildinfo file
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071031172436] 
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071031171257] 
[license header for Xinerama
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071031165900] 
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071031165743] 
[#!-able Setup.lhs
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>*-20071030173235] 
[bump version
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071030213949] 
[Bump version number
Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>**20071027124814] 
[#!-able Setup.lhs
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071030173235] 
[TAG X11-1.3.0
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071030172832] 
[wall police
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071030171430] 
[cabal tweaks
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071030171341] 
[wall police
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029205511] 
[Bug fix: not storing height in XSizeHints.resize_inc
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029202844] 
[-Wall police
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029202542] 
[clean up warnings
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029201214] 
[wrong header included, hidden by -fasm
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029184208] 
[no .lhs Setup script
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029183618] 
[Xutils.h -> Xutil.hs
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029183435] 
[more info in readme
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029182528] 
[more typos in the merged .cabal file
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029182349] 
[duplicate line in .cabal file
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029181942] 
[Merge in X11-extras package, bump to 1.3.0. Adds Xinerama and X event support.
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071029175855] 
[TAG 1.2.3
Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>**20071012181748] 
Patch bundle hash:

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