Adding a newtype EndoCategory to Control.Category (ticket #3362)

Edward Kmett ekmett at
Wed Jul 8 16:47:04 EDT 2009

Not sure I like having the upper case on Morphism in EndoMorphism. Endo is a
prefix, not a word. and and Endomorphism is a bit scary and long.

Isaac's CatEndo suggestion seems relatively innocuous though. (CFunctor,
CMonad, etc. in category-extras Control.Functor.Categorical where all
originally CatFunctor, etc.)
-Edward Kmett
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM, <roconnor at> wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Jul 2009, Edward Kmett wrote:
>  Yeah, it would probably have to have a new name because it does have a
>> different kind than the existing
>> Endo. GEndo was the best I could come up with that didn't sound verbose
>> (GeneralizedEndo, CategoricalEndo)
>> or like it was naming the wrong thing (EndoCategory). I'm not wedded to
>> the name by any means.
>> Note: a type synonym,
>> > type Endo = GEndo (->)
>> like you mentioned would work, but has the downside that it may require
>> clients that provided instances for
>> Endo to add TypeSynonymInstances where they previously hadn't and I'm not
>> sure how folks would feel about
>> that.
> Oh, that is a quite a downside.  I wonder if we can get cabal stats on this
> without difficulty.
> As for the name, I'd be happy with the EndoMorphism suggestion given.
> Although it is a bit longish.  I'd also be happy with EndoMorph.
> --
> Russell O'Connor                                      <>
> ``All talk about `theft,''' the general counsel of the American Graphophone
> Company wrote, ``is the merest claptrap, for there exists no property in
> ideas musical, literary or artistic, except as defined by statute.''
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